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Is it okay to drink alcohol after breaking a fast?

I’m just about to finish a rolling 72 and it’s my friends birthday party tomorrow. If I broke my fast with spam and pickles at lunch and was very well hydrated, would it be okay to get drink in the evening?

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Just do it. Live life enjoy.

If you’ve fasted for any more than a few days, it will take you gut microbes some time to grow again to find balance. You can almost guarantee to have upset tummy as result.

I didn’t ever have the discipline to ease back into food, I typically went hard during the refered. I suffered as result. But I’ve no regrets.


I’ve tried to drink alcohol and lose weight for almost 4 years now. I could not make it work. I recommend quitting it at least until your goal is attained. I have had 2 gigs a week the last 4 weeks in a band I’m in, free drinks at every gig, and I haven’t had a drop.

Soooo many bad things it does… drink seltzer water with lime and tell everyone it’s a vodka spritzer if you have to. I just can’t recommend it.


Coming from an extremely low calorie zero carb zero sugar phase and drinking?

The alcohol will hit you very fast and very hard. Be warned your tolerance has never been lower.

And…sadly in my experience the hangover can be EPIC! I don’t usually get hangovers. Or very tipsy very fast but DEAR GOD I felt like DEATH would be a welcome relief the next day!

I’d suggest a few things.

  1. Ensure you have a decently substantial LOW carb refeed.
  2. Stay away from surgery or high carb drinks like wine, coolers, beer.
  3. Try something very simple like a vodka or gin and soda with lime or a small amount of cran4 avoid shots, shooters
  4. Large glass of water between drinks

Alcohol seems to use the same metabolic pathways as sugars and is rapidly absorbed by sugar sensitive people…and it can also drop your blood glucose levels fast. Pace yourself strictly.

Some people will binge on poor food choices when tipsy or drunk…you may not want to wake up covered in pizza and potato chips.

This can also cause flare ups of food allergies if you’ve done extended clean casting..Like the pizza I mentioned? I’m gluten and lactose intolerant… probably the worst choice I could make ;) bloated near lifeless greasy corpse the next day.

Yes, you can drink. Just be mindful that even vodka soda has calories and will kick you right out of ketosis until all alcohol is processed. and eliminated from your system.


The last time I did a week long fast at about 96+ hrs my barber handed me a glass of Macallan and I honestly didn’t realize it till I took that first sip… literally almost did a flip out of the chair!


You should be fine. I’ve done longer fasts (14-21 days) and broken them with some drinks, after eating a little bit of course. Currently I’m doing rolling 48s and 72s and almost always have a few zero carb cocktails before and after my meal. Enjoy your friend’s party.

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