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Is it possible to lose weight with just IF and no Keto?

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Yes. I lost 80 lbs doing IF and never once did Keto, low carb, Atkins, or any of those other dietary restrictions. As someone else mentioned, it is about making sure you are taking in less calories then you are expending each day (CICO). I waited until I lost over 30 lbs doing just IF and CICO before I started adding in running. Once I added in the exercise, I was able to lose the weight even faster.


I could’t do Keto, because I don’t eat eggs or eat a ton of meat (my understanding of Keto). I’ve lost 15 lbs. on just IF. During my OMAD, I eat dinner with my family. My portions are very small compared to last year. After the one meal, I then immediately go back into fasting. I usually do 23:1, and then during the week a 2 day water fast. I want to lose more, but I’m happy with my results for now. I also do cardio/indoor running 7 days a week (using a youtube exercise program called Burpee Girl).


As long as you’re in a calorie deficit you will lose weight. You know your body best, so my advice is to figure out which foods satisfy you the most, and then stick with that. For some people, that’s Leto. For some people IF works. For me, I personally can’t function without carbs. So I lost weight my eating rice, tofu, lots of fermented veggies and some meat. I even had cake every other day. I didn’t have breakfast, because I wasn’t hungry. So I guess I inadvertently did some form of IF.

If IF works for you, that’s great. I do recommend eating some form of fermented foods for gut health. Then figure out the diet that makes you satiated, and then so IF if it helps you maintain a calorie deficit.


Fasting necessarily puts you into ketosis, the amount of carbohydrate you eat only changes how long it takes. But a keto diet avoids transitioning into and out of ketosis regularly, which can be unpleasant for some.

Each unit of glycogen is also stored bound to several parts water, so routine weight variation can be several pounds more.

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