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Is it possible to stay in ketosis if I break my fast with keto?

I’m trying to combine as many healthy routines to maximize my gains. Wondering if I can keep the benefits going I get from prolonged fasting if I only eat low carb foods once I eat?

Are the benefits the same from fasting and keto?

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I am certainly positive but there is a positive refeeding could stop ketosis, tho doing a keto diet will put you right back within 1-3 days (same day if do a good hard workout for two hoursish by burning through all that glycogen) make sure to do ALot of protein like almost body weight in grams is a basic standard o-mad or 2mad but INtermided fasting is great, I just finished a 14 day fast that’s what I am doing (not just yet I’m doing three days of bone broth first then started to ramp up the protein)


> Wondering if I can keep the benefits going I get from prolonged fasting if I only eat low carb foods once I eat?

Some of them yes, but some of them no.

ketosis is defined as >=0.5 mmol/L bhb in the blood. I use ketomojo to track this every morning. I tend to have 2.0-2.5 mmol/L ketones the morning after eating (a single meal, I do rolling fasts, under 2.0 means i did something wrong with food choices), and the morning of day 2 of a fast. day 3 is where it really through the roof, usually 3.x to 6.x. when it hits 7, i usually start thinking about breaking my fast. tends to be a crapshoot as to when i hit that point, maybe 3 days maybe 7 days.

so I am in ketosis the whole time, but much deeper/stronger ketosis the longer the fast. keto mojo will sometimes tell me that my level is “very difficult to achieve without medical supervision”, but only after a couple of days total fast.

additionally there are other benefits to fasting beyond ketosis, stimulation of the ampk pathway, downregulation of mtor, autophagy, increase in hgh, etc – less is known about these and it’s not possible to test for yourself, but it’s generally accepted that these benefits are not directly coupled to the ketogenic state.

FWIW, when I was on a standard keto diet without fasting, I rarely got much over 1.0 mmol/L.

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Categories: ketosis keto prolonged fasting low carb refeeding 14 day fast morning a fast to fast