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Is it possible to survive and thrive on only a small number of foods and supplements?

I’m just curious whether a person could eat less than 10 foods and 5 supplements, for example, and get enough macros and micros to be healthy. If this is possible, what would your list be?

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Yes. Very easy, even without supplements, if you prioritize nutrient dense food https://www.google.no/search?q=liver+nutrition+comparison+eggs&client=ms-opera-mobile&channel=new&espv=1&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=ALiCzsaq64JaZHpH46E26slRU7bpAYB0xg:1668006772812&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjipbS5saH7AhWqYPEDHelJDrUQ_AUoAXoECAEQAQ&biw=712&bih=1138&dpr=2.25#imgrc=v1BrEwZgMv3h3M


10 foods? I could easily limit myself to 3 foods if you pushed me. I could even have my blood markers and body comp look great.

Hell Carnivores are even dancing on us with 1 food. I know that’ll trigger some of you, but there’s 0 denial that plenty of them are doing excellent.

I don’t think there’s much proper evidence that “verity improves health” or anything.

If I were to eat foods only grown by my countries native plants it’d be pretty small list anyways (Scotland). Meat, eggs, dairy, oats, some species of wheat, barley, some legumes, some tubers, apples, one or two berries rarely, maybe some others stuff that isn’t springing to mind.

Personally, If i were to only survive on minimal foods it would be beef, eggs, apples, oats and maybe 1 other food like carrots or something. 4-5 foods would get the main nutrients needed in adequate amounts, protein and fat is covered. Very little verity needed and I’d enjoy it. Granted we’d need some salt but I assume salts a given.


10 foods? My diet as of the past 2 months consists of whole milk and peanut butter. That’s all I’ve eaten in the past 2 months. It covers all of my micronutrients and minerals except vitamin C which I supplement

However I don’t recommend anyone do this. I’m only doing this bc I haven’t been hungry in months and these 2 foods are the most calorically dense foods I can stomach

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