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is it realistic to lose 10 pounds in a 6-8 weeks

at the start of this year I was about 110 pounds now I’m 120 ( I’m short by the way so my goal is 110). it’s all just fat. i want to lose this fat for a formal event I have coming up while still maintaining muscle. is this achievable? have any of you lost 10% body mass in this time????? recently started Omad and keto, still bloating a lot and no seeing much change. Should I do an extended fast?

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Just do rolling 48s (one meal every other day at maintenance at most)

If your TDEE is 1500 kcal let’s say (I don’t know your height so I can’t calculate it) you’d create a deficit of around 22500 kcal/month eating once every 2 days (assuming you eat maintenance on feed days). Which should lead to a loss of around 6.5 lbs per month.

So yeah if you do 6 weeks you could reach 10 lbs imo


Dead easy. Almost any protocol will do that as long as there is a caloric deficit.

However, and this could be an unpopular opinion here, you are probably looking at this the wrong way:

At 120lb, unless you’re under 5ft tall, your emphasis should be on gaining some muscle mass. Being skinny fat and going under caloric restriction is only going to make things worse over time.

Each to his own of course, but I suspect you’d benefit more from a weightlifting program like starting strength than you would from a diet, and even though the scale might read higher than you’d like, you’ll look and feel better by getting some muscle than you would by dropping almost 10% of your current body weight.


Smaller bodies seem to work differently. It’s harder for us to shed a lot of weight in a short period of time. I weigh around 110lbs. My advice to you would be to come up with a plan that gets you on the path to your goal, stick with it and don’t worry about time the frame.

On me when I was last 120 my doctor commented on my weight and told me to lose weight. I have a small frame. I looked fat. It was crazy. When I see photos of myself I don’t recognize myself. People will do simple BMI calculations which are harder to apply to petites so shut out that noise. 120 on a petite is not 120 on someone taller.

I don’t know you but in general when people gain weight it’s through bad habits that they battle to change. Then they try to panic lose the weight in a short period of time in an ongoing cycle. It’s unlikely that you will succeed for all the same reasons you gained the weight so I always advise working on building better habits. Fasting takes a lot of disciple, as does not gaining weight to begin with. Some people can flip a switch and jump in to long term fading, most can’t. It’s always best not to set yourself up for failure straight out the gate. Do you have a plan for what you’ll eat? Have you fasted before? Have you removed the things that lead to your weight gain? (stress, lack of time etc. I don’t mean food here)


Napkin math says you need to not eat 20 days and eat at maintenance every other day. So yes, you can get there no doubt if you’re willing to do a few 48 hour fasts.

But you’re not fat by ANY stretch of the imagination so I think you might want to explore resistance training if you want more definition.


I just started. 5 weeks in started with 18-6 and worked my way to 20-4 after the first two weeks. I managed to go from 260 to 238. I just ended at 108hr fast this morning and will be going back to 20-4 after today.Yes it’s realistic for some people.

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