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Is it safe to eat one meal a day if I eat a lot?

I am trying to gain muscle whilst only eating for 1 hour a day, but I have heard that eating too much at once can be dangerous for the stomach.

I usually eat chicken breasts and nuts and fruits so I do often feel very full once I have eaten everything (basically what I would normally eat for lunch but at dinner time as well as dinner).

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Well, I just think it’ll be hard to eat enough calories and protein to fuel muscle growth in such a small eating window as it requires a caloric surplus to pack on mass. I’m not sure about it being “dangerous” but it’ll probably hurt like crazy since protein is filling and eating that much at once will probably lead to constipation and a lot of farting!


Hypothetically yes, but practically? Probably not. Nutrition is more than calories and macros. Achieving an adequate micronutritional intake with one meal a day is pretty unlikely unless you’re very intentional about it


It’s not a matter of “eating a lot”, so much as a matter of eating fewer calories than you burn and if that one meal is nutritionally complete.

Focus more on nutritional completeness and worry less about calories and you should be fine.

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Categories: eat one meal a day muscle stomach chicken fruit lunch dinner calories eating window nutrition macro one meal a day