| | Water Fasting

Is it true that one day of dry fasting is equal to 3 days of water fasting?

I am sure it’s almost impossible to truly know this but it seems to be a general rule I have come across in my years of on an off fasting. Curious from people who have extensive experience in both if they agree with the 1 day dry = 3 days water comparison

Does that mean all of you lovely strong 10 day dry fasters technically do a month of fasting? 😍😍💜

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How do you define « equal »?What are you measuring?

Does 1 burrito equal 5 apples?Maybe in terms of price, yes. But in terms of nutrition? Mass? Ecological footprint? Etc.

There’s all sorts of effects for fasting. What effect do you want to take as a metric?

If you take sheer weight loss, it seems true that 1 day DF ≈ 2 days WF.Because the body burns its own fat to make water when you’re dry fasting.

But we can consider many other aspects related to health, energy levels, mental state, etc.

My guess is that DF and WF activate somewhat different processes in the body, so it’s hard to compare them « mathematically »

As a shortcut, we could probably say that DF is more « potent ». Which is a very loose term that just conveys the idea that the effects of DF are more visible.It also means that the possible negative effects of DF will be more severe. Overall, you’re going harder on your body (putting more constraints on it), so the adaptative effort is greater, especially on the kidneys.



It is said to encourage people to dry fast with fake promise. Measure your own weight loss - measure before, measure after rehydration. Then do it again a week later for wet fast. You will lose about 1lb per day consistently. Try for yourself and see what numbers you get.

Dry is considerably more dangerous. Water allows you to drink coffee, which is considerably helpful to aid not eating.

Try it for yourself to know. Measure your numbers and record them as you forget quickly. Then do 1 month of weekly dry fasts, 1 month of weekly wet fasts and record it all. Calculate the difference.

Also, you will struggle to find ANYONE here who genuinely claims to have gone more than 3d dry. Everyone talks about it, no-one credible actually does it.

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