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Is keto necessary during eating period?

I’m doing a 23/1 and reading sites and watching videos. I’m confused about two recommendations.

In a 23/1 where you only eat one meal, make it a big meal. Thanksgiving dinner is an example of a big meal.
In any N/N, make your meal a keto meal. Low carbs.

A 47/1 is easy for me now, but I’m not sure I want to skip carbs even though I’m trying to lose fat.

I’m going to an event tonight so I’m planning on eating a little oatmeal with flax seed meal before I get there so my body will be in an eating cycle before I have appetizers and one alcoholic beverage. Today will be a 20/4 and then onto a 47/1 for the next two weeks.

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From my understanding, a blend of my plant based nutrition certification coursework and talking with a handful of keto proponents, keto and IF do similar things as far as hormones go. Insulin in particular, but some others.

I find I don’t like the sensations of too much carbohydrate too quickly, so I tend to go for very slow absorbing ones.

Alcohol is akin to shoveling in white sugar, metabolically.


The honest truth is keto is necessary for optimal weight loss.

Carbs will make you gain weight more compared to breaking it with keto. If you want fast results , keto is the way plus once you’re adapted to keto trust me , the journey is enjoyable and pleasurable and you will be happy and full all the time.

If I was you I would fast with keto then down the road after a major weight loss I would introduce carbs slowly to the body.


Keto is not ever necessary, but depending on your goals it can be wildly beneficial. Why are you in an OMAD protocol? If its strictly a fat loss thing, then Keto will get you there faster. Carbohydrates are a double whammy. Carbs increase insulin levels and take the body out of fat burning mode. Insulin converts carbs to glycogen for storage in the liver. Once glycogen stores are full, excessive carbs are stored as fat, If your insulin levels are alway elevated because of carbohydrate intake, you fat loss will be minimized. because you’re always burning glycogen and never getting to the fat, while at the same time, storing more energy as fat. Now on OMAD, your levels will drop, BUT at what rate and for what period? Well that depends on your glycogen stores. So you can see how Keto beats that cycle by keeping the body in fat burning mode.

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