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Is losing stubborn lower belly fat/Back fat just genetic?

Hello everyone! I have been fasting and doing dirty keto for about 3 years now. I have gotten lean for my height I had gone down to 161 lbs, 6’2, and was around 11 percent body fat. Even at those low numbers I still struggled with stubborn love handles and lower abs fat.

Is losing fat in these areas 100 percent genetic factors. I’m honestly starting to wonder if it’s possible for me. I tried bulking up because I felt that 161 was too low for my height but my bulk resulted in my gaining some fat I don’t want. I’m now starting to cut again and at 15 percent BF and 180lbs.

I’ve read that when you get to those really low level your body hold on to the fat in those areas and makes it impossible to let go for some. I honestly don’t carry much fat elsewhere besides these areas …any advice?

I’m 22 so I’m hoping that over these next couple years my body will fill in as i get into my 20s and maybe that will help but feeling discouraged

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Yes. Genetically we hold weight in different areas. If you are prone to more weight in some areas while your overall body weight is thin or too thin there isn’t anything you can do to shrink those areas. Focus on health and other things that bring you joy. This may not be something you can control.


It could be a proportions issue. Even at a low body fat percentage 161 is pretty thin for 6’2”. You might actually be happier with your aesthetics after a few bulk/cut cycles and having added another 10-20 lbs of muscle but still ultimately have the same fat placement.


Idk your starting weight, but is it possible that some of it is loose skin? I’m sure there is still a bit of fat, but sometimes it takes a bit for the skin to shrink back. Also body recomposition can take time as well. Even if you don’t lose more fat, your body will shift things around as you continue to fast and exercise.


Before you write it off as genetic, try cleaning up your diet and see if it makes a difference. Get rid of anything packaged, processed, refined, sweeteners and sugar replacements, refined vegetable oils (admittedly I don’t know exactly what you’re eating but that’s just a guess when you say you’re eating “dirty keto” that it includes processed foods). Where you hold fat can be genetic, but it can also be hormonal and some of these foods affect your hormones, affect your gut health and probably affect our bodies in ways we don’t yet fully understand so it’s worth trying to see if changing some food makes a difference.

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