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Is margerine realy toxic?

People say that margerine is toxic and makes your body inflamed and increases ldl I know they took transfat out so i don’t know if it’s fine to eat besides calorie increase.

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It’s actually not clear…

In the past, margarine was made from partially hydrogenating vegetable oils - to make them more like animal fats. The process that did this made some of the fats into trans fats which are quite bad for you.

These days, they likely use what are known as ‘interesterified’ fats, where they make triglycerides with three different fatty acids. They are probably better than the trans fat versions, but like the trans fat margarines, they were allowed to be sold without significant testing.

Margarines are made with vegetable oils and some of them are high in omega 6 fatty acids, typically lineoleic acid. There is a fair bit of controversy over the danger of vegetable oils. My opinion is that humans did not eat a lot of lineoleic acid until the industry was developed to extract it from seeds, and I don’t see much reason to just assume such a change is healthy.

Especially when many of the advocates for seed oils are the same ones who advocated for changes that led to a lot more trans fats in the food chain.

I can also say that deep frying foods in seed oils is a fairly stupid thing to do as their chemical structure makes the break down easily into some pretty nasty compounds.


To make margarine companies take an oil that would be liquid at room temperature and then pump hydrogen into it to force it to be solid. It’s white, so they then have to add a color to make it yellow. That is why margarine should be avoided. The definition of trans fat is the process.

Seed oils aka vegetable oils are high in omega 6 fats and are liquid at room temperature. Most Americans have a terrible Omega 3/6 fat ratio. These are the oils used to make margarine.

Butter is high in butyrate. Butyrate is a molecule that feeds the cells that line your gut. Eating butyrate helps your gut. If you have an issue with dairy then try ghee (clarified butter). Clarified butter has the casein (dairy) removed. It’s not about the fat content but rather the quality of the fat.

I suggest you get grass fed butter. My personal fav for flavor is the Kerrygold butter. If you find one that has a flavor you love you will taste the difference between that and margarine. Margarine is basically a processed food.


Well i don’t know but people should not be afraid of butter in cooking. Butter is great for the food it puts on a wonderful taste. Butter also contains important fatty acids aswell as vitamin A and some other vitamins. Just remember to keep everything in moderration

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