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Is my new years goal attainable?

Happy new year everyone! My goal is to lose 5 waist inches per month for 3 months straight. I’m currently 47 inches. So 15 waist inches in 12 weeks. What’s the best routine to achieve this?

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What is your Height, gender, age, weight? This makes a big difference in figuring out what is possible. I could guess, but most people use weight instead of waist measurement. It also varies from person to person’s motivation, what they eat on refeed, what snake juice they use, current health, body fat content, etc…


No one can answer this because you cannot spot reduce. It comes from your whole body. 5 waist inches is a lot. On average every 4-8lbs (depending on current size) per inch of waist. So to lose 5 inches a month you’d have to lose close to 40lbs/month (120 lbs total). That’s not realistic. I literally ate under 700 calories/day for 7months and while I lost 112lbs it was at a pace of 16lbs a month and it’s extremely dangerous if you’re not prepared at all times. No where near 40lbs/month and you likely couldn’t hit that benchmark if you ate nothing at all for 5 months. You also would lose significant amounts of muscle in the process. For every 10lbs fat/water I lost 1lb muscle/water so 11.2lbs muscle lost. Now I had the muscle to spare and have recouped it all. If you’re not above average muscle and you tried the same thing you wouldn’t be able to lift a pencil by the end of it. You also will not have established a healthy eating relationship so it will likely come back. Why the rush? Resolutions should be for the whole year.


Just fast, don’t put a stupid time limit because you set yourself up for failure and disappointment and that could spiral you back into binge eating and repeating a terrible cycle.

I’ve been around the snake diet for years and I’ve heard the same thing happen over and over and over. Its always the same. I wanna lose x amount of weight in x amount of time, turns into a toxic cycle of binge eating, self loathing and ultimately staying a fatass or even worse gaining MORE weight than you started with.

The people that succeed, keep it simple, and stay consistent. Theres no shortcut but fasting is the fastest way to lose body fat. If thats not fast enough for you then you WILL fail.

Just fast. No, shortcuts, no excuses, no arbitrary time limits. You’d be surprised how quickly you’ll lose weight if you focus purely on one thing. The fast you’re on at that moment in time. Nothing else.

Best of luck.

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