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Is my weight getting too low? Why am I suddenly have a hard time?

sw: 170 cw: 155 h: 5”10 a:30

When I started a few weeks ago at 170 it was difficult at first but I adapted quickly. It got easier over time and I could regularly do 72h fasts. Now I’m getting to the point where I’m having a hard time. I get really tired just 1-2 days in. I end up eating a little bit of protein, making it more like a PSMF.

I don’t think my bf% is that low, according to a calculator it’s 16%. Visually, I’m a bit more thin in the legs than I’d like but my waist is still pretty large. I’d like to lose visceral fat, and maybe get to the point where I can actually see my abdominal muscles. From what I’ve been told that would closer to 12%. I know that’s relatively low but should I really be to the point where I’m having a hard time doing a 48h fast? That seems strange to me. My electrolytes are on point. Maybe I just need a break. I’ve been fasting fairly regularly for a month, so I suppose it could also just be my body pushing back.

Any thoughts?

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I mean, you’re at a normal weight?

Just start exercising. Don’t over think it.

If your body is pushing back its often telling you something for a very good reason. Listen to it.

Do a few weeks of 16:8 IF and hit the gym. Be sure to include abdominal work. And remember that NOTHING you see on the internet is real.


We are the same height and have similar stats. At 155 I had abs when flexing (probably 12-13% bodyfat). Im fat now, but when I did prolonged fasts at that weight, it was 100% harder then now. At 190 right now, I enjoy fasting, not going to say its easy, but its just mildly uncomfortable for a few hours a day. At 155 it was tough the entire time.


Don’t go down the route of trying to fast til you lose all the belly fat. After a certain weight, your body is going to hold onto that backup energy.

Stop fasting for a bit to let your body acclimate and start lifting or bodyweight training. Workout hard and gain muscle. Then try to fast for a bit to cut if you really want to. Fasting should be tough mentally. If your energy is really tanking then that’s a sign from your body that you shouldn’t ignore.

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