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Is pasta itself actually unhealthy?

Pasta is said to be unhealthy but the nutrition facts really are not that bad at all. Whole grain pasta for example has a lot of fiber and nutrients and no sodium or fat and it even has less carbs per serving than regular pasta. Regular pasta is similar except less fiber and more carbs but it’s still not that bad. Even its glycemic index is surprisingly low. Which makes me think it’s not pasta that’s unhealthy but rather the crap people usually drench it with that makes it unhealthy: salty sauces, fatty meats and fatty cheeses

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If you are getting your essential protiens and fats, then no carb foods are not unhealthy. If all you eat is carb foods and you neglect your fats and protiens, you are doing yourself a disservice and it is unhealthy. Lots of things contribute to health. Some foods consist of inflammatory components and are bad when eaten in excess. Lacking an essential vitamin can detonate your health. Everything has to be balanced, that’s what it means to be eating healthy. What specifically varies from person to person.


I’m italian. No we don’t make pasta at home, but we buy the dry one at the supermarket. Barilla, De Cecco, Agnesi … are some of the most famous brands. Generally a portion of 80/100 grams per person is recommended. At least the nutritionists or dieticians. Cooking is important for good digestion.


No. Get good quality pasta. No, you do not need wholegrain (taste like ass anyway). GlYCemIC index doesn’t consider the rest of your meal, only the food itself. If youre consuming it with fats and proteins then the digestion of it slows. Even then, fast digesting carbs is only bad because so many of us sit about and do nothing, while still eating low quality diets overall.Pasta is fine, otherwise Italians (and surround countries) would be in poor health as they basically snort the stuff for snacking purposes and they seem beyond fine to me.


Pasta itself is not unhealthy. You hit the nail on the head with whole grains. White flour pasta lacks the fiber, and other nutritional content. Pasta also tends to be high in calories so easy to over consume calories. Portion control is key


Depends on the pasta. Cremette white flour pasta? Not so healthy. Not that it’s terrible, but most people eat more than a serving and it ends up being a lot of calories with few nutrients. Homemade pasta can be different. So can whole grain pastas (and other options). A side serving of pasta isn’t going to hurt most people. Where it becomes a problem is the giant servings, often served with salad (iceberg lettuce with unhealthy dressing) and white breadsticks. The sauces can be problematic, especially white sauces.


Whole grain pasta isn’t unhealthy because complex carbs are actually good (if your diet allows it). It’s also good for a lot of pasta to be organic because a lot of grain pastas (if they are whole grain or not) that aren’t organic test high for a chemical that is found in RoundUp.


pasta is not bad, and if anything, it’s recommended to consume when performing a lot of resistance excercise for steady energy and glycogen storage. it’s about that same nutrition wise as bread it’s just pure starch.


Pasta is not inherently unhealthy. It doesn’t provide much in the way of micronutrients, so if you did not have an otherwise balanced diet, thats not great. Its pretty heavily processed and therefore doesn’t have much fiber, which is also usually good for digestive regularity.

For people that struggle to limit their dietary intake, pasta is pretty dense and when added with sauce and other items, can be very easy to overeat for a lot of people (unlike rice, potatoes, some other grains).

However, if you were to eat a reasonable amount of pasta with a meal as part of a balanced diet, nothing wrong with that.


Depends on who you ask. I don’t think the problem is the carbs but the way your body digest the carbs. Personally I stick to potato and rice for my carbs. Pasta gums me up and makes me feel like crap. Same with bread

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