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Is salt 'allowed' on a dry fast? Is it recommended? What are experiences?

I am wondering if taking salt (presumably with a little water) breaks the dry fast.
I am wondering if it is a good idea to take it.
I am wondering what people’s general experience is with salt while fasting.

1 day, 2 day I don’t think it really matters.
What about 3day, 4day, 7day?

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I would not. I have recently however started spraying myself with magnesium chloride every day and when i tried it during a week long fast my energy was through the roof. I was walking 15k-20k steps a day, hiked 5 miles 2x, lifting full body barbell 2x, mma training 1x. Fitbit said i was at 4k.4.5k calories burned every day. Best fast I’ve ever had.


Not only is salt allowed, but you would be foolish not to take salt in. Salt is an essential electrolyte that you need. If you dont have enough of it you will feel terrible. Trust me. Salt does not break your fast even a little. Anyone who tells you it does has no idea what they are talking about. You dont need alot. A good way to tell if you are running low on essential salt is if your sweat does not taste salty.


a follow up to your question, have you tried a hard dry fast? most people here soft dry fast or do modified semi hard dry fast—for myself the only contact with water is hand washing or showering. i bring this up because fasting is a very personal experience and often times the tenacity of an online stranger can create doubt against your intuition. until i started getting first hand experience and revisiting the findings, i was very dependent on others. i foolishly followed the advice of some dude on this forum to stop having salt and yk what, i almost fainted at work!

switching topics, have you considered how women experience life much more differently?

the stuff i have talked about is to spotlight the personal experiences of fasting. sure there are fasters who are at levels very above what most people currently are at however no one is perfect and nobody shares your exact anatomical identity and mental health.

the best answer is try a 1-2 grams or more of salt per 24 hours, journalize your findings and share with us what you find out.


deficiency salt is medical condition called hyponatremia, symptoms are headaches, lack of energy, and leads into possible fainting while driving or else where. salt is a good idea because it improves the mental fortitude. try up to 1/8 teaspoons per 24 hours


Taking salt with water does break the dry fast, by definition. Because you drank.

Now, your actual question is probably: “does it matter?”

Depends what you call “matter”.

I mean, what type of answer are you expecting to get? The world isn’t binary.Maybe the strict distinction between wet and dry fast is a made-up category. Maybe things are more fluid.

The stricter your fast is, the more effects it will have. But how much effect do you want? How much are you willing to/able to bear?Maybe too strict will be too much for you. Maybe you don’t want/don’t need to actually go that hardcore.

How can you tell for sure? Observe how you feel as honestly as possible and choose accordingly.

It’s just like running: is it healthy? Yes. Can you run too much? Yes. How do you know how much is too much? You feel it.

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