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Is starting weight of around 220 pounds too much? Would OMAD help by itself or is KETO necessary?

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I started at 234 pounds on Jan 1 and am 188 pounds today. I have been IF for a few years but I started tracking my calories on Jan 1 and that’s what made the difference for me.

I primarily was on 16:8 but since then have moved to 20:4. I included a fair bit of cardio but it’s not necessary as long as you’re tracking CICO. Good luck!


That’s too vague a question. Depends on your height, age, weight throughout the years, muscle mass, fat percentage and other factors. Keto isn’t vital with OMAD, but from anecdotal experience it can def speed up the process. The point is to have a diet and exercise regimen that is sustainable, meaning you can do it long term because it’s not torturing to yourself. Best of luck 💪🏽


As a 28yo, 110kg man, I lost roughly 15kg with 18:6 and moderate physical activity. I was not doing Keto at all, I was eating rice almost every day for lunch at the time. I avoided carbs towards the end of my eating window though.

So yeah, get on it, and best of luck. IF is a trial and error thing. Try a rythm, see if it works for you, adapt it to your lifestyle and results.


220 is still quite a ways off for me, but I started at a tad over 340 three weeks ago. I did 16:8 for a week to ease into it, and then moved to 18:6. No OMAD, no special diet, no macros, nothing. I just eat what I think is going to make me feel the most full for the longest time, which means I naturally eat less sugar. I maintain a deficit of roughly 500 Calories a day, though I’m not strict about that; sometimes I naturally eat less, other times I eat more. And I’ve already visibly lost weight

Be easy on yourself and just try for a bit. Just get used to fasting if you haven’t done it before. Beyond that, do whatever works for you. It’s pretty chill


Not at all! It’s never too late to start. I would recommend starting with keto as it’s easier than dropping to OMAD cold turkey. Once you’ve got the hang of it and you’re ready to step it up, work your way up to OMAD.


I started off weighing 221 pounds so no, not too much!! IF works really well for folks like us. Read the Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr. Gary Fung. I highly recommend this book to everyone especially people just starting. I am on day 100 of clean IF + keto + water fasting and I can attest, if you stick with it, you will see amazing results. Best of luck with your journey. You can do it!!!

Fast clean, and keep a journal either photos or write down your weight. Put away the starting pictures and starting weight for 90 days before getting them back out. You’ll be excited about seeing progress. Experiment with different fasting windows and don’t forget to calculate your daily calorie needs and adjusting them downward or upward based on your weight and activity level.


IF/OMAD and keto/low carb reinforce one another in a way that establishing one routine makes it much easier to add the other. If you make the adjustment (fasting time/dietary change) that is less difficult first, you may find yourself naturally incorporating the other as you progress.

Your starting weight isn’t anything to worry about- we all start somewhere, and it’s always better than not starting!

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