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Is there anything wrong with eating soy?

I noticed noone is eating it.

And I heared something about how it makes estrogen high. I have no idea if that is correct.

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This is misinformation promoted by meat and dairy industry. Estrogen in soy? Uh…there are actual, bio-identical hormones in meat and dairy that are absorbed in our bodies when we ingest these foods. Soy contains phytoestrogens which very weakly bind to receptors AND it is thought to be this mechanism that is partly attributed to be healthy nutritionally, especially anti-carcinogenic. Soy is one of the most studied foods if not THE most studied food in the world. Most of the studies show benefits of soy consumption, you can practically enter keyword soy and another keyword of any body system or health condition in peer-reviewed studies search, and you’ll find a plethora of articles.

If soy was so unhealthy and cause so many estrogen-dependent diseases, then there’d be a lot of people in East Asian counties/ cultures like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan leading the world in these diseases as well as poor health.

My mother’s family is Japanese/ Taiwanese, and having also spent a lot of time in those places myself, I can say that soy foods are a big part of food culture there. Women there have lower rates of reproductive cancers such as breast cancer than women in comparable Western countries. I see more moobs (men boobs) on fat, middle-aged men in certain NJ/ NY neighborhoods; and they’re not from eating soy foods I guarantee you, more like too much dairy and meat from pizzas, calzones, etc…. Soy foods like tofu and soy milk are one of the first foods that are introduced to babies. Like I say, it’s part of the traditional food culture in these countries, where soy food consumption go back thousands of years. Soy foods include but not limited to following: tofu, soy milk, miso, fermented soybean condiments, yuba skin, soft tofu curds (sweetened) for dessert, natto, edamame, among others.

It’s also insulting to these cultures when soy foods are under-valued or misinformation spread about the amount/ how often soy foods are eaten in these countries, by people who have zero clues about the cultures and have never been or lived there.


Just putting this out there because I see a lot of fear surrounding phytoestrogen. Soy does NOT decrease Testosterone or make a male more feminine in any way. This has been debunked for many years now and only came about after some people who didn’t understand science or phytoestrogens started to scare monger.

Phytoestrogen is NOT the same as estrogen. Phytoestrogen intake has been linked to a marked decrease in breast cancer.

One of the world’s strongest men is vegan. Can we move forward from these antiquated views?



>Moderate consumption of soy foods is unlikely to have adverse effects in adults; it may even benefit cardiovascular health and reduce cancer risk. Eating large amounts of soy foods for 6 months or more, however, may cause problems. Also, the use of soy infant formulas should probably be minimized.

Not sure what you mean by “no one is eating it”… tons of people eat soy products around the world.


Educate yourself on the difference between Phytoestrogen and Estrogen. People around the world eat Soybeans, soy milk, tofu, and many other soy based products. Everything in moderation but its fine as part of a balanced diet.


Soy is perfectly safe to eat (granted you aren’t allergic), anyway, your body doesn’t pick up on phytoestrogen the way that it picks up on estrogen-estrogen. Increased phytoestrogen intake doesn’t increase the risk of developing breast cancer (and in some smaller studies, has been shown to decrease risk)


My Endocrinologist advised me against eating soy because I have Hypothyroidism — and he showed me some older studies that indicate that soy might inhibit my medication’s absorption.

So - that might be another reason people avoid it.


It’s generally health as long as you don’t have allergies. If you have a reaction, stop eating it, but it is safe. Soy formula is the only baby formula that is comparable to breast milk, so if it’s good enough for babies it’s ok.


Everything in moderation.

I try not to eat more than 2 or 3 servings a week but Soymilk is my go to milk alternative because it’s the only widely available and palatable plant milk with any significant protein.

Sometimes I eat tofu too and it’s available at every grocery store in my area.


Soy Isolate or soy protein isolate is the concern that you’re talking about and is recommended not to consume regularly. Soy isolate is a processed filler that’s man made. Regular soy products is fine as long as it’s not GMO.


I love edamame that I find in the frozen vegetable section at Traders Joe’s and Whole Foods. I put it in stews, soups and stir fries. Also good just cooked up plain, like you would peas.

I was told not to eat much soy because I have Hypothyroidism. I have no idea why. I need to research this.

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