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it never gets easier

i been fasting for awhile now but the urge to eat never goes away. i lost a lot of fat and im in maintenance mode but its hard every SINGLE DAY.

makes me wanna just give everything up, what is the point of staying lean when i have to be miserable everyday

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Okay so here are my suggestions. This works for me, but it may not work for you. You have to figure out what works for you, so don’t give up and try lots of different things.

  1. Fiber - i eat a big bowl of of spring mix with beans and vegetables before all my meals. I find that this makes me full and its suppose to slow the absorption of sugar. Maybe it’ll give your body a glucose time release effect. Try eating fruits or carrots, which have the sugar with the fiber. On days where I’m really snacky, i bake myself cookies made from chickpea, oat, whole wheat flour, bananas and peanut butter. I don’t sweeten these because the sugar from banana and peanut butter is enough. Baking them myself given me a sense of accomplishment which results in me eating less cookies. The idea is that i accept that im going to cave and eat sugar anyway, might as well make it filling with healthy oils, fiber, complex carbs and protein.

  2. get your vitamins checked

  3. more water

  4. Is there something psychological going on thats making you snacky? Stress? social anxiety? Be honest with yourself and figure out a way to help yourself. Virtually all my wieghtloss work was finding better coping mechanisms for life than candy and binge drinking.

  5. Research heavily on how food companies have successfully tricked us into eating more food. Realize that its not your fault that you need that sugar fix, and that overcoming this is going to be a challenge. But its a challenge worth going through, excess sugar is killing us all slowly, and its all around us. Food marketing has really used our psychologically against us really well and this battle will be a difficult one.

Anyways this is what i kinda do when I’m feeling sugar pangs. Anyone have any other suggestions?


When your stomach shrinks it becomes way easier to feel full and satisfied you can also move your body much easier because less gravity. It’s totally worth it.

Set a goal and stick to that goal.

I’m 6’3” and my goal is 180 lbs.


Yup, thats the thing. Its not like working out where you get muscle memory eventually.

Every time I fast it feels like a new mental hurdle. Ive fasted for weeks at a time but getting past day 1 after every reset is a struggle


I highly suggest doing OMAD or ADF. Your weight loss may be slower than an EF but at least you won’t be miserable every day. Sounds like these would be more sustainable for you - which in the end is what’s most important.


maybe have a chill week where u only do 14/10 fasting, work ur way up to 16/8 after that week, 18/6, etc etc.

definitely lunch is the worst OMAD for me bcos i have trouble sleeping hungry.

this could also be just a really sucky day and you have emotional permanence issues (comme moi, i also have emotional permanence issues.


For me, getting enough fat during my feeding time really helped me not feel hunger. When I first started fasting, I would actually eat a tablespoon of coconut oil as my very last spoonful of food. You could also try a nut butter or cheese for this - I just really happen to love coconut.


If your objective is weight loss, what works for me is eating a lot of raw food for most of the day and 1 cooked meal. You are basically never hungry. Ex: 8AM green juice (not smoothie), 10AM mono fruit - juicy ones any amount, 12PM - greens salad, 4PM cooked food. If I feel like eating sugar, I have dates or chia pudding. This achieves the benefits of intermittent fasting because you are technically not eating from 4PM to 12 PM. You are also putting in healthy fuel into your body. With weight loss, you also get additional health benefits.


while fasting or after? For me I have ADHD and one of the symptoms is binge eating/always wanting to eat. Talk to your doctor? For me fasting is saving me cause if i am allowed to eat I eat everything as far as the eye can see then go searching…

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Categories: fiber sugar glucose fruit snack oil carbs vitamin stress binge stomach working out muscle memory struggle omad weight loss lunch sleep intermittent fasting