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It’s 2023: What are some diet myths and misconceptions that need to go away?

Diets have come and gone over the years and all connect with some sort of idea that eating needs to be “one way only.” What myths are still floating out there?

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My belief is that diet just has to be “good enough” to support good health. I think the effort people put into trying to achieve perfection is wasted and the associated anxiety does more harm than any good it does.

But I can’t prove this. It’s just my opinion.


The orthorexia going around the fitness industry, wether trying to eat minimal carbs, eat as much protein as you physically can, only have fats from whole foods or only a certain type of carbs, or avoiding certain vegetables because too much anti nutrients. I think there’s way too much micro managing which is not making health better but infact worst.


That there’s one magical diet that is perfect for everyone. We are all so different and have different nutrition needs. Just because paleo works great for one person doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong and the same goes for every other diet out there


Myth - Eating after “insert arbitrary evening hour” PM will make you gain fat.

Misconception - High protein diets cause kidney disease.

Malarkey - A diet consisting of solely meat is the cure to the obesity epidemic.


The myth of losing weight fast with miracle supplements. Keep in mind that natural remedies only work well when combined with a healthy diet and some physical activity. They are ineffective if you continue to eat uncontrollably and with the bad habits that led you to gain weight.


That an influencer knows how to “balance your hormones.”

Some of you should probably just get your labs done. You have a genuine concern about your hormones? The answer just a blood test away. Let the doctor make that determination, and refer you as needed.

But if your doctor does refer to someone, be prepared for it to not be an influencer with a BBL and makeup filters. If you got hormone imbalances, you will instead be referred to an endocrinologist - one who’s probably even more tired of hearing this nonsense than I am.

Also, be prepared to understand that if your labs are normal, your metabolism is not slow. We need to nix this constant self diagnosis of “slow metabolism.” Normal labs, normal metabolism.

And as a graves sufferer, you don’t want a fast metabolism. It’s uncomfortable, it’s not fun, and can kill you

So let’s not be sold, just to buy solutions.



The misconception of hand waving deeper questions with trite bullshit. K, fine. That person is “lazy” or “lacks willpower.” Why? Excluding the people that make the conscious deliberate choice to disregard body fitness or composition, why is that person lazy? “They’re lazy because they don’t work out.” Huh. Sounds like circular reasoning to me. Why is that other person slim? “Because they don’t overeat.” Well why don’t they? Oh, that’s right. They have willpower.

I’ve watched people close to me struggle with their weight, whether guys trying to gain or women trying to lose. And it’s heartbreaking that they get dismissed as being merely lazy. Sure, some are. But many try earnestly with little success, while others simply skip their morning frapp and donut and watch the pounds melt away. Why? What’s going on?

I’m not asking for answers to these questions here. I’m venting about the stupidity of easy answers that don’t answer anything.


That it’s not ok to be hungry. People have been hungry in varying degrees since the beginning of time. People need to go back to being used to not shoving food in their faces every single time they’re the slightest bit hungry.

This is why we’re so overweight.


That intermittent fasting is automatically a way to lose weight. It always boils down to calories in vs calories out. Intermittent fasting happens to cut out unnecessary snacking the general population partakes in but is not in and of itself “the answer”


Speaking of diets with respect to weight and nothing else - that needs to go away yesterday. For most of us, food habits that improve energy, sleep quality and mental health should come first.

Also, too many misconceptions on calories still abound.

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