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I’ve changed my mind and am going to try IF this year! But I have a question…

After asking about IF here and thinking it wasn’t for me, I decided to do more research and I am going to try starting with 16:8 and a little dirty fasting. It seems dirty fasting is kinda frowned upon but the way I see it, I have to start somewhere. Progress over perfection, right?

On to my question: I crave carbs hard on my period and graze a lot during a few days before into a few days into my period. I’ve seen conflicting info on fasting during that time. Some do, some don’t because energy can be really sapped. I’m about to get into heavy athletic training which will increase energy demands. My period already makes me super tired. Should I fast? Or maybe include certain foods instead? What are your thoughts?

Also open to any tips for newbies!

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Are you planning on doing this heavy athletic training during your period? I know nothing about any training, just to be clear. If you take a break or reduce your activity, it makes sense to adjust your eating, too. I think it would be better for you to stop grazing and stick to your eating window. Alternatively, you can expand your eating window during your period. You could probably have more freedom with your choice of food, but for me, protein, fat, and then carbs work best. My general advice would be to go gentle on yourself during your period. It’s challenging enough.


Cut down on simple carbs like sugar, and include longer carbs like rice or beans and other legumes and vegetables. I’ve done keto and slowly added rice. Felt amazing while on keto.

But keto and IF is pretty tough to do, so just do IF, and when you crave carbs eat just the more complex ones.

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