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Jumping on the new year new me bandwagon early

I’ve tried IF before. Like with all diets or lifestyle changes I eventually gave up. Its never a ‘I’m done’ moment but more of a gradual letting it slip. I’m at a point where I’ve become really insecure and just don’t like how I look. I have low energy and have become lazy and I think a lot of it is down to my weight gain, so it’s time to make a change.

Does anyone have any tips on how to keep with it and stay motivated with IF?

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You got this! I suggest you think of it as a lifestyle change rather than just a “quick fix”. I started IF for the weight loss and stayed for the health benefits. I also highly suggest reading Gin Stephens’ book “Fast. Feast. Repeat.”. Intermittent fasting has changed my health in a drastic way, and I don’t think I would have stuck with it if it weren’t for that book.


If you want the (probably) most real explanation of and answer to your problem, please watch this short-ish three-part series by an incredible doc:



Is easier for me to eat every other day. I pretty much eat what I want on my eating day. Decision is easy on fasting day, nothing but sugar free drink mix and maybe black coffee/ tea.

You’ll get hunger spikes at the usual meal times. Brushing my teeth and going for a walk help. Take a melatonin before bed and skip breakfast in the morning. Eat a delicious lunch and dinner, then repeat.

I keep the attitude that I’ve over eaten so many times in my life, it’s time to under eat.


Just decide that this is how you’re going to live from now on. Accept that life going forward will be more difficult but healthier. The healthy people you see take more time and energy to actually take care of their own body, you don’t. If you don’t want to take care of your body and mind then you’re just going to yoyo. This is a hard truth people don’t want to tell you.

Or you can just be lazy and go on a yoyo again. People keep thinking “if I fail I can just revert back to my fat ass self”. How about there’s no other choice but to keep going? Cause you decided to not be that person anymore.

The mind is plastic. It can remold itself. It takes time.


First, chump…. Loose the ineffective negative self-talk. Second. While admirable to choose and hold fast , life is seasons days weeks, etc. seasons in life are not wrong or right they are part of the journey.

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Categories: energy weight gain tips weight loss gin stephens intermittent fasting sugar coffee tea morning lunch dinner yoyo