| | Water Fasting

Just completed my first (intentional lol) 24 hour fast!

Monday 1pm to Tuesday 1pm! And I don’t think I ever even got uncomfortable. I did notice maybe 6 hours in that I had a craving for something but it passed quickly. I opted to try this out on a day that I knew I would be relatively busy with errands, which was super helpful in keeping me from thinking about what my next meal was going to be. I am a kind of obsessive meal planner but like a disorganized one haha so this kind of challenge actually took out that one kind of stressful element of my day.

I was worried about feeling foggy or irritable during the fasting time, but found actually found the timeframe I set for myself to work well- the meal I had for breakfast really carried me through the day. I felt totally fine focusing on work and social interactions.

Anyway, just wanted to share this little win! I’m super proud of myself for not giving up, or even feeling like giving up! . Thanks to you all for all the good info you put out there on this sub!!

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It depends on so many factors, but since I’m goal oriented I would make 36-48 the standard. Why? You have to burn 3.5K calories to loose one pound. In 24hrs you are less likely to reach that goal. So, bravo, but I think your motivation would climb even higher if you push for the 1 pound over 1 day mark.

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Categories: 24 hour fast meal plan stress calories