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Just found out I’m pre-diabetic with above normal cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose. Help!

I started grad school about a year ago and really fell off the wagon as far as diet and being sedentary. I’m hoping fasting can help get my levels in a normal range. I know diet is the biggest thing I need to change. I’m here looking for advice especially from people who were in the same boat and had success with fasting.

Any bit of advice/recommendations are welcome and appreciated!!

Stats: 4’11”/36/F/CW 150/GW 110 HDL/Cholesterol: 51 Triglycerides: 162 Glucose: 117

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Start doing cardio (low intensity ideally HZ2 but don’t get focused on the numbers) when fasted. Ideally after like 18-24 hours of having fasted. You’ll force your body to burn fat and you’ll get more metabolically flexible, which means your body gets to handle sugar better (also crave it less).

If your BMI is above 25 this probably means doing long walks.

In the beginning you might get a bit dizzy (low blood sugar) but that’s the point. Don’t force it though and with time it’ll get better which means your body is adapting.

Also: don’t overdo the fasting etc. Prediabetic means that your metabolism isn’t running optimally, so a fast will be more difficult for you than someone else. Consistency is more important than numbers so don’t start “competing” with people with a different body than you.

Good luck!


Start small, do sustainable. On my 36 or 48 hour fasts I don’t feel like I need electrolytes. A few months back I had gone hard on the research and had all my electrolytes and started drinking them at the first hunger pang and it was too much and uh flushed out my system in a hurry.

So now it’s water and occasionally black coffee for me on fasts and I listen to my body on refeed days.

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