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Just got back from a rough vacation of overeating. Should I immediately do an extended fast?


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Don’t feel terrible for enjoying a vacation with your family - life is too short! That being said, if your family is like mine on vacation, we do not eat very healthy during that time. So if it was a lot of carbs, some of that 7 lbs is likely bloating. The good news is you can easily take care of that with a 7 day fast if you are up to it!

Some will likely say to go to keto for a couple weeks first but I’m one of those people who has ice cream and cookies for the last meal before a fast. So if you are motivated to undo things now… go for it!


I would say no. My nutritionist would say this is disordered eating. Don’t do fasting as a reactive thing; build it into your practice intentionally and proactively and know that there will be periods of feasting in between.


Do you want to?

I did the same, launched into a fast, I’m currently around 110 hrs. Didn’t prep or anything. I’m not happy currently, but I don’t feel terrible. It’s been a real exercise in willpower this time without the prep work, but I don’t regret it.


I ate my weight in cheese and chocolate over Christmas plus had a friend in town the week before Christmas who is a foodie, so I indulged most of December. I eased back in with 2 16:8s and now 18:6. Most of the weight gained had been water from all the carbs, so it came off very quickly, leaving only a few pounds to go! I expect to be back to my previous progress point with 18:6 in a few days. I definitely got some fasting headaches this week though, so I’d say go for what you want but be prepared for that!


I like to give myself one day at least of lighter healthier eating (I’m usually craving healthy stuff after a vacation like that) before doing a fast. I find it tougher to jump in without doing that and also struggle less with queasiness when I have a buffer day like that. I recommend that personally, it’s kinda jarring to just jump right in. I generally do 36 hr fasts 2, sometimes 3 times a week

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