| | Water Fasting

Keto-er starting a water fast

So, for some context, I’ve been following a ketogenic diet for almost two months now. I’m kind of in a rut and want to do an extended water fast to break it up and facilitate weight loss. I know that when starting a water fast, typically the first weight to go is water weight. I lost a good chunk of water weight when I started my diet/lifestyle change. I’m wondering if there will be more water weight lost when I do this fast or if it’s only going to be fat loss now? Anyone have any input?

I’m not concerned about losing too much as I have quite a bit I want to lose. I’m 29 and currently at 366. I started at 398 on January 8th, so I’m proud of the progress I’ve made so far.

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If you’re already fat adapted (usually after 2-3 months strict keto) then water weight should not really be much of a thing. At your stage, I would not concern myself with it whatsoever. Drink water, take some salt, potassium and magnesium, and enjoy.

Also, great work so far on the weight loss!


FWIW (semi-rant), I started strict keto about a week after you and am down 22 lbs from 247 starting weight (5’7” 35 yo female) - I’m 45 hours into a water fast as I type this and have not lost any “weight” yet. I figured Im not seeing those big whooshes others have reported because I already lost all that extra water weight in January, but it is still SOOOOOO frustrating that I’m not seeing the number on the scale go down when I nowhere near goal weight.

EDIT: I weighed myself the next morning (approx 62 hours into the fast), and had a 3 lb drop since the day before. Just wanted to update for anyone who may be discouraged from my above comment. :)

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