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Kinda semi starting Snake Diet today 35 year old female about 16st8 (232 pounds) but only 5ft1

>Hi guys so today I am playing around with the snake diet. When I say playing around I just mean I have a chock load of ‘healthy’ diet foods in from a more traditional weight loss plan so I want to get through before I properly commit to a high protein, moderate fat low carb refeed on rolling 72s minimum. As my current bf% is over 40 im in the fat fuck category so I can fast probably up to the week maximum. Yesterday I drank alcohol and ate a few times (tried really hard not to eat through the night but couldnt sleep) but when I woke up this morning around 8am I felt not that bad. So its now 12:47 and I have not broken my fast since I woke up yet.
>My goal atm is if I can (judging by what I have in the fridge in terms of perishable food isnt that much) to try my very HARDEST to do a 72 fast straight off the bat. BUT if I cannot cope then at the VERY LEAST only break my fasts with a one meal eating window is basically a 23/1. Once I have used up all my food that I have atm I will be doing probably a combo of rolling 72s or 96s (depending on how I feel) with a 1 hour refeed. The refeed meal will probably be either steak, chicken thighs or salmon, avocado, an apple or berries, an egg, some low carb veggies.
>I intend on probably breaking fasts with bone broth or if its not readily available coconut water (great source of electrolytes) of course when Im used to not eating and actually thriving I would most certainly like to increase my fasts to a week here n there (obviously understand this is hardcore) yes I am doing snake juice (1tsp bicarb soda, 1tsp potassium chloride, .5 tsp pink salt and .5 tsp epsom salt to 2L of ice cold filtered water) I made it this morning with already ice cold water and it really wasnt even that bad. Will make up tomorrows batch tonight and let it sit overnight as Ive heard it helps with taste. I have alot to do in terms of physical labor atm so I am worried about hunger (I totally get the salts help with weakness etc but I mean actual hunger, hunger is not something I am comfortable with) but thats why if I need to start just on 23/1s then I dont mind.
>Over the next few days I plan to do an inventory stock check with everything I have in my cupboards (moving food that needs to be eaten sooner to the front ) Once I am down to the long term food that can be left like canned goods etc thats when I will transition to the refeed menu I mentioned earlier. Who knows knowing me I might just be so motivated I end up donating everything I have to a food bank (I literally have a bulk load of un opened sugar free and low calorie jams in jars in the cupboards, allsorts of nut butters and all sorts) and chucking away unopened stuff.
>If I hadnt stupidly not long ago brought it all then I definitely wouldnt mind going straight into it. So yes thats how Im starting I could have wrote more but lets not keep us here all day! time to put my fucking fork, knife,spoon, chopsticks or bare hands down AND STOP FUCKING EATING!! can I get an Amen!

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I made it til about 15:00 and then I had to give in I had a bowl of ProEoats (Oats with an egg whisked up and cooked in, protein powder, almond milk and peanut butter powder with water) then about 1 hr later I had a quorn ready meal pot thing and that was it all day til this minute now. So basically 800 cals for the whole day and it wasnt spread out I was more of less a 22/2. Ive not long got up was very hungry but now drinking about 800ml of prepared the night before snake juice and its definitely helping me feel less ravenous so lets see how far I can push it today!


its nearly 15:00 again and im getting hella ravenous again! just got my mp3 player charging gonna go for a walk at 15:00 and see how I feel. I have already decided that if I did need to eat I would once again start with my proEoats (need to get my food items in the cupboard down so not to waste money) and then see how I feel. Maybe I can survive all day on those oats or maybe I may need a quorn chilli pack and some veg? but if I could hold out til 18:00 or longer thats definite progress. Lets not forget I have been living on a fairly high carb low calorie diet for awhile and not fasted at all I think building up to a 72 hour fast is much less strenuous than going for it off the bat. My arms are aching! wonder if I need a higher amount of salt in my snake juice? I definitely dont feel as bad as I would if I had just had plain water though


right so I broke my fast about 17:30 which means I went a full 24 hours without stuffing my pie hole! that may not seem great but the day before I had only fasted for 13 hours and before that I wasnt fasting at all. So I am incredibly pleased with my progress. I actually went out for a long walk at 4 to try and distract myself from hunger and I was so weak I only managed half of what I normally could. So I came back and broke it. My meal that I broke it with again was ProEoats (about 38g oats, 100ml semi skim milk, 200ml water, half scoop vegan brown rice protein powder, 1 medium egg, sprinkle of chia seeds, some low calorie (7 cals per 20g) raspberry jam, about a tbsp of almond butter powder (like that pb fit peanut butter powder but just almonds) with water. I also put some ground up egg shell into my oats (calcium), ginger powder and cinnamon. I think in about 10 minutes Im going to make some clear whey protein isolate drink and I think that will be me done. I think that should hold me until tomorrow. I actually feel quite stuffed at the moment. My next aim now is not eating for at least 36 hours now if I can. I can see me at a 72 hour fast before too long


Well I cant remember if I weighed myself yesterday or the day before (pretty sure it was yesterday and was 16st7 ) and I have already lost 5 pounds I weighed myself about 1 hour ago I was 16 stones 2 and 3 quarter pounds now im 16st 2 and a half pounds so lost another quarter pound in a hour


If you’re brand new to this, understand Snake Diet can either be a powerful tool or your worst enemy.

Start with a healthy early OMAD and snake juice the rest of the day. Continue this for a week, work on clean eating.

Second week, start 48’s, if you’re used to OMAD, then 48’s is basically only skipping ONE meal, not a bunch of them.

Once 48’s get good, work towards 72’s and 96’s.


Well guys I am 28 hours into my 36 hour fast! probably wont eat at 06:30 like I am allowed probably hold off until 09:00ish. My mum and sister are coming round to do some diy/spring cleaning and I will be pretty useless to them so early into my fasting experience without tomorrows refeed. Today had highs and lows. I had to go to an appointment that was about 2 miles away so I walked there and back. I found it incredibly hard especially being in the UK atm with 27c weather all day. I most definitely found using any steps hard. It took me alot longer than I would normally take and it also had me feeling weak. Once I got back and settled abit it was fine. I find drinking a tbsp of apple cider vinegar in some water helps with weakness. Since about 6pm though I have been completely fine. I think if I wasnt seeing my mother and sister I wouldnt break my fast. Tomorrows fast break will be my last that one would consider not an optimal meal for this diet. I have decided to donate to the food bank the rest of my unopened food and stock up on lean meats,fish, eggs, avocados, low carb veggies, berries and apples. I am also going to make my own bone broth which seems relatively easy to do so. All in all the experience is going great and it most DEFINITELY pays to wait out a fast for the hunger and weakness to subside. I am not nearly as afraid to tackle my 48 hour one next. Very happy with my weight loss looking forward to see what I have lost by tomorrow morning


successfully completed a 39.5 hour fast (ended up breaking it at 10am instead of 6:30am) as I mentioned previously I broke it with some carbs. Before I received all my salts I had ordered some cheese curds online from a poutine distributor (cant get cheese curds in the UK from shops etc) as have been wanting to try for ages and always forget. They only send them out once a week and they arrived yesterday. So I broke my fast with a makeshift bovril bone broth (50% beef bone stock and yeast extract I think) then I had a plate of homemade chips/ home fries in the US i think, Cheese curds and gravy. Couldnt eat it all mainly ate the cheese curds. I also had a clear whey protein drink (like a protein shake with whey isolate but its like a summer drink not creamy) I added abit of ascorbic acid and a tbsp of apple cider vinegar to it too. Couldnt tell you what my calories or macros were but once I break my fast on Monday morning it will definitely be with a more suitable meal. Very proud of myself, knowing today I was only 8.5 hours away from a 48hr and I didnt wake up feeling bad is AMAZING! I didnt lose as much weight yesterday as before my scales really want to go to 15st13 but they jump between that and 16st0 actually excited to get closer to the 72 and even 96 hour fasts now I know im capable


Can I just clear something up once and for all. I do NOT follow the snake diet and Cole because of his brash and vulgar branding. It does absolutely NOTHING for me to be called a fat cunt etc! I do the diet for one very SIMPLE reason! it bloody works! I respect and admire Cole very much for the fact he helps people for free, doesnt sell an array of expensive products and even the product he does sell he still tells people how to make a version of it themselves. I completely understand why people buy the packs off him just to support him. BUT thats where my respect for him ends. I too tell it how it is etc and definitely am not afraid of the truth but you dont call people stupid and idiots for following your earlier advice than you then tweak and realise YOU were wrong so you dont get to call the amases stupid. But again BRANDING. Cole is very passionate and shock value works! and Ive seen him talking normally and hes always got his arm around people including fatties so I know hes actually a pretty great guy! So anyway to anyone that thinks its big and clever to call people weak on here, stupid or crazy (referring to some stupid bigot on my trial and error posts) I was NOT posting on those to ask your permission I did so to ask the question if anyone had any ACTUAL experience or scientific reasoning as to why you cannot do those kinds of things. You know something constructive! Cole himself says over and over try things out, experiment. Thats exactly what he does! He is no more a professional than any of us. Yes he has more knowledge and experience but how did he obtain it? ONLINE RESEARCH something we all have access to! So if you want to comment on my stuff with USELESS comments than Id rather wish you didnt! peace


woohoo im in ketosis! checked my urine before I broke my fast and my ketones id say are either moderate (2 below the darkest) or between small and moderate (dont want to say for sure which colour its closer to) to say I havent been eating low carb when I do that is pretty great!

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Categories: diet food weight loss low carb alcohol sleep morning eating window tea chicken breaking fast electrolytes soda potassium chloride pink salt weak sugar 72 hour fast omad 36 hour fast vinegar meat fish a fast carbs beef calories macro ketosis keto