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Let’s talk about…maintenance!

You’re at your goal weight after practicing IF (16:8, OMAD, etc.) for several months or years.

What does maintenance look like to you? Have you increase your calorie intake? Shortened you’re fasting window?

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Been in maintenance for about 6 months now, I stopped being strict with my IF - now only have the occasional day where I’ve stayed fasted till midday. Still maintain habits like black coffees, keep track of my calories (although on a maintenance level) and weigh a few times a week. My physical activity is where I focus my goals - I did a 5km program last year and now regularly run 5km parkruns every Saturday. Im also training up to do a 10km in the mid year. Changing to physical activity goals has meant I’m still working towards something and I’m still accountable without just thinking of weight all the time.


Things didn’t change a lot (about 2yrs maintenance now), I just upped my calories a bit. Still do IF, pretty much the same meals, an extra snack or 2 during the day, and a little more indulgent meals on the weekend

My TDEE is 1700, so roughly 12k for the week. I keep it lower Sun-Thur, higher Fri/Sat, gives me the flex for the extra glass of wine, more chips, dessert, etc



I intended to lose about 5 pounds with IF, which I started in November at 16:8. I lost a little more than that, so now I’m at maintenance. I have upped my calories slightly, mostly by shortening my fasting window to 14:10 several days per week.

A typical week for me now is: 14:10, Sunday through Friday, with 16 or 12-hour fasts Sat/Sun.

For others at maintenance, what is your fasting/feeding routine like lately?


Maintenance for me means averaging 18:6. That might be a day of 16:8, then 20:4 the next day. I can’t do many 16:8 days straight though bc it is too easy to go way above a 3,000 calories limit on those day. If I stay OMAD - 18:6, I can regulate pretty well. One think I’ve noticed after 2 years (started Feb. 2021) I cannot tolerating eating after 7:00PM, 6:00 preferably. Even if my “eating window” started at 1:30PM, I prefer to finish by 5:00 or 5:30 at the latest. Down 25lbs. Started with bmi of 24.8, now bmi of 21 I guess. Fwiw, I never counted calories during the weight loss phase of IF.

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