Hey y’all. I’m sorry if this is a stupid question but what do you think about lifting weights while EXTENDED fasting?
I’ve been exploring fasting for over a year. I’ve done cardio during extended fasts. But what about lifting weights while extended fasting? I’m aware you become weaker when extended fasting so you may not be able to lift as much as normal. But, that being said, I’m curious to hear your opinions on lifting weights while extended fasting. Do you build muscle? Do you burn muscle? Does it have no effect at all?
Thanks for any & all input.
You will probably be a little weaker so may need to do either less weight or drop the reps, just keep the electrolytes up and you shouldnt feel too weak. Im about to do my 3rd extended fast starting today and will try to keep my weight and reps hopefully at the same level since I had to drop the weight last couple fasts. For shorter extended fasts less than one week you should be able to maintain the muscle, but longer could be detrimental to your muscles but this is just my opinion.
Lifting won’t be bad as long as you supplement electrolytes but you won’t be building muscle while doing it, you will only be maintaining muscle or minimizing muscle loss.
You can look into a PSMF if you’re overly concerned with muscle loss but that adds some temptation as you’d be eating.