| | Water Fasting

Long time lurker!

Hello everyone! I started my weight loss journey at the end of August (long story short, after years of toxic dieting I’m finally on something that works for me which is CICO).

I was always lurking here because I’m amazed by what everyone is accomplishing and was interested in benefits of fasting ever since.

Im for the first time on my third day of fast today. I still take coffee w a creamer twice a day (please don’t blame me I don’t want to give that simple pleasure away) but was just wondering for how long should I go the first time and how often should I try to do it?

I feel no hunger at the moment, yes sure I could eat but it definitely isn’t hunger. Im interested to see will it help reduce a bit of cellulite as well as fat.

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Please don’t get too fixated on things like cream in your coffee. yes, technically it does break your fast blah blah blah… But you need to start somewhere and it sounds like you’re off to a fantastic beginning!

There’s so much good information out there already I would hesitate to give you any guidelines regarding frequency and duration of your fasts. I think a lot depends on your goals; for weight control, Intermittent fasting (a daily fast of 16 to 20 hours a day with no food) works really well. Longer multi-day fasts are also fantastic for other reasons.

Honestly? Anything you do is going to help. See how your body reacts, don’t be afraid to make changes, but do be afraid to make excuses! Because fasting can absolutely change your life.


Yeah i wouldn’t worry so much about the creamer. I still consume preworkout when i fast, which has some cals but imma need that if i workout while fasting LOL I’ve started IF and doing regular 24 hour fasts (like a few times a week) and currently almost done with my longest fast yet (36 hours and still going! Aiming for at least 40, maybe even a full 48). I find it definitely helps me with weight loss and bloating. I just generally feel better after fasting, and if i hit a weight loss plateau a fast will definitely kick start the process again

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