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Looking for advice on long-term intermittent fasting

Hello everyone.

I’ve tried different patterns from18/6 to OMAD an it works great for a while but then it stops.

What I mean is that when I’m at my heaviest (let’s say close to 100kg) I have no problem doing OMAD every day. I lose weight and function well, I can study, work, go out, basically do anything I would normally do.

Once I start to get close to 90kg though, 2 things happen. The weightloss slows down dramatically and I start to feel like shit. I would lack energy, my mind would feel foggy, I would struggle to concentrate on what I’m studying etc. Even though I drink plenty of water and get electrolytes.

So I give up and get all the weight back.

I’ve noticed with other diets and training regimes that once I lose about 10% of my body weight things really get tough. So I don’t know what to do and feel defeated.

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People who are consistent are usually the ones who achieve their goals. If you quit it would make sense you go on a yoyo diet. A lot of the people here try to make it a healthy lifestyle instead of thinking “I’ll only do this for a set amount of time”.

I would say that being mentally prepared is half the battle. As you can read throughout most of the posts on here, almost everyone struggles throughout their journey and a lot of them stay determined to be consistent or adjust to what works for them—not revert back entirely to old habits.


Rather than sticking to OMAD, have you tried to go on a 16:8 or 18:6 routine?

Or something else that I’ve personally done is a pseudo OMAD where I’d just drink a protein shake for lunch to get some nutrition and then my “one meal” at dinner time.


Some more details would help so we can gauge what 90kg means. It’s common to see some quick initial gains and then it gets tougher.

It sounds like your metabolism is slowing down, for whatever reason, and you’re suffering from low glucose. You could see results from switching to a more ketogenic diet, and maybe from longer fasts. If you can do more exercise that also might help.


When you approach that point of feeling like shit, you could try maintaining your weight, temporarily or permanently. Instead of throwing your progress away, slowly start eating more and/or making your eating window longer. Maybe your body doesn’t want to go below that weight at the present moment - losing weight can be stressful for the body after all.

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Categories: intermittent fasting omad lose weight shit energy struggle electrolytes yoyo tea habits lunch nutrition dinner glucose keto eating window losing weight stress