| | Water Fasting

Looking for advice/support

I have been doing ~40-42 hour fast weekly for the past 4 months. I also practice 16:8 IF at least 5 days out of the week.

Skipped 1-3 40 hour fasting days overall due to life and, I use fasting as a tool, I am not a slave to it.

I am planning my first 72 hour water-only fast (still researching supplemententing during this time, but am leaning towards taking potassium, magnesium and sea salt - mainly to protect my heart muscle(s).)

I am planning to embark on this journey the first weekend in April, after Easter. My plan as of now:

I have an easy desk job that I will have to go to during this time. I plan on strength training Friday the 6th, and no excessive exercise (other than walking, light dumbbells) for the remainder of the time.

I am just looking for support and advice. I have seen conflicting reviews/post about supplementing. My main concern is losing heart muscle (forgot the proper terminology).

I am mainly doing this to test myself. Usually, after my 42 hour water-only fasts, I feel like I could go longer, but end up eating to support my rigorous strength training. Of course, the new white blood cells is a plus!

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I’m interested in hearing the response of others because I don’t have a lot of experience. But I read a lot (and watch of lot of videos) and I keep reading that electrolyte supplements are not really needed for a fast of less than 30 days. I think it’s very safe to suppose that they are not needed for a 72 hour fast.

I’m on Day 3 of a water fast. I led into it with a 6 day juice cleanse. I didn’t actually intend to do a water fast when I started the juice, but after a few days I felt so happy to be free of food that I decided to embark on a water fast.

I believed the transition would be easy, that I had already gone through the hunger pangs and that I would slip quickly into a euphoric ketonia. I actually had felt “high” since the 3rd day of the juice cleanse and thought it would all just continue. Day 1 and 2 of the water fast was easy peasy. I was walking my usual 10k, doing a half hour of yoga and adding a few other extras and feeling as though I had more energy than before the juice cleanse. This morning was a little different. I felt very tired and not into walking. I usually walk 6-7k in the morning with the dog and pick up the rest of the steps through the day. This morning it was a slog to get through almost 2k. I felt a little weak and uncomfortable. And I had a moment or two of blurriness. Not in my vision, just as a feeling. It’s hard to explain.

I took another short walk later and didn’t feel bad, but wasn’t inclined to go the usual distance. I’ve just done 3 k today.

But I feel much better than I did this morning, and the gnawing that was in my belly yesterday and even more intensely this morning seems to have decreased significantly. I believe tomorrow will see me with an increase of zest!

Oh, yeah, supplements. I got interested because I have an open ended fast. I thought I would do 3-4 days and see how I feel, but I do feel I can go longer without any suffering, and I would really love to achieve the healing state that I’ve read starts around Day 8, so I did start thinking about supplements. I read somewhere on Reddit about Gerolsteiner mineral water. It does provide some calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate, so I’m drinking 8-16 ounces a day. I also wanted to keep my sodium levels up, it helps to maintain hydration. So, I drink some salt water. There are other threads about that here if you search. In fact there are more than a few about supplements which you may find helpful. You will find them if you search electrolytes in this sub.

Best wishes to you!

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