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Looking for "end of fast" informational videos

I’ve been on and off fasting over the last two months. Both intermittent and extended (about 4 days’ish). I learned about it from Dr Jason Fung.

I find it doesn’t seem to matter how I eat coming off of a fast, my body desperately wants to rebound the weight I lost in the fasting period. Fung’s videos are really scattershot when it comes to a methodology (10 minute video here, 10 minute video there with 7 minutes of the same info, 10 minutes on topic but not related to my process, etc.) I feel like I’m falling into pitfalls I didn’t know existed.

Anyone have a video that breaks down how to come off of a Fast, keep the lost weight off, reset my body’s “default” weight, and anything else that might help in that phase? I’m looking, but there’s just a lot of overlapping information to sift through, and much of it I’ve heard already only to discover that whatever video didn’t contain the answers I was looking for.

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Haha, I have a few videos on fasting, but none answering all your questions.

The fat cell deflate during fast, but are still there and desperately screaming for a refeed. It takes about a year to start getting rid of them for good.

If you want to avoid a very quick rebound:
- stick to keto for a few weeks
- up the calories slowwwly, you won’t be as hungry on keto, so use it in your favor
- then transition to LCHF (or whatever diet works for you)

Other things which help are having hobbies, so food is not your only source of dopamine. Volume eating: introduce more and more fiber. Protein frontloading - reduces hunger and sugar spikes.

I also personally like to use CGM now and then to keep an eye on my glucose disposal limits.

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