| | Water Fasting

Looking for some advice on maximising results.

I’ve been dabbling with intermittent fasting since November of last year, and recently I decided to dig in and take it more seriously. I’m looking for some advice from experienced peeps on maximising my results, based on a few factors.

I’m an amateur boxer looking to compete as a middleweight at 75 kg. I’m at 75.5 right now, but I want to shred all the body fat on me while maintaining the lean muscle, cause I’m a wee bit pudgy.

I’m currently following the 16-8 schedule (12PM to 8PM is my eating window) and I eat twice a day. Lots of veggies, chicken, two eggs and a bit of rice for lunch - veggies and chicken for dinner. When I wake up, all I need is a cup of black coffee and I’m good to go.

When I work out, it’s mostly boxing based - skipping, calisthenics, shadowboxing, all that good stuff. So far, fasting makes me feel great - but I want to maximise my results and get lean, so I’d appreciate some advice and tips from the experts on here.

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While i don’t know if you drink it but removing like any sugary drink like coke diet coke etc has done absolutely wonders for me personally. Been dropping the fat percentage and my weight like mad. So my only advice would be to minimise sugar as much as possible. Check sugar levels.

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