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Lose 100 lb in 2 months

I (M23) am 6’4 and weigh 370 lb, so pretty obese. I’m also used to fasting so I don’t need any of that “take it slow and easy at the start” stuff.

Would it be reasonable to set a goal for losing 100 lb in 2 months through a mixture of dry and water fasting, with regular refeeding breaks in-between?

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Lol well I started today so I will let you know in 2 months. I’m 6’2, 320 pounds. Goal weight is 180 to 200. I’m dry fasting Monday and Tuesday, also if I can on Wednesday and Thursday. if not water fast those last two days instead. Friday-Sunday, I will eat whatever I want (hopefully healthy) and hit the sauna and Gym hard.


So like many have said in the sub before, longterm dry fasting isn’t a good way to keep weight off. That isn’t addressing the issue at hand which is you either overeat and/or have food addiction. Let’s say you fast and you lose 100 lb (and unless you’re HEAVILY heavily exercising, probably not in 2 months) - you won’t have the discipline to eat healthy or small portions when you’re done fasting. You can’t eat like you used to anymore. August Dunning also advises that dry fasting isn’t the best weight loss method. So to lose 100 lbs in 2 months: if that’s even feasible, you’d literally have to walk everywhere, like to work, to school, to the gym and that’s dangerous in a dry fasted state. You’d have a better loss just snake juice fasting for that long. If you really want to dry fast, do rolling fasts. But - 500 lb guy doing 5:2s only lost like 65 lb dry fasting in a couple months.


id eat max 2 days per week. maybe once. dryfast 3-4 days, waterfast the rest and eat at last. repeat

refeed pure carnivore meals whole day as much as you can until you almost vomit.

practice basic bodyweight movements. push-ups, squats etc

ppl overhype walking. prioritize bodyweight exercises/lifting for better results.


No. You need to get your brain and body used to work without the fuel it expects otherwise you will be a constant mess.

Assuming you dont have any health issues, two months is too short a period to not fk up your metabolism meaning that even if you reach your goal you will be in a constanr state of hunger that your body will overload on fats to avoid similar two months starvations you just put it through.

Tldr: you should teach your body to operate without the calories it is used to and that takes more than two months to achieve.


At your weight its probably possible. I lost 120lbs in 4months (290lbs > 170lbs) with just water fasting (didn’t know about dry fasting at the time). I did 3-5day fasts with small meals to refeed (ex: grilled chicken breast and a nutrition shake). When i first started i was loosing about 1.5lbs per day. The daily weight loss slowed down as i progressed but it wasn’t until i was under 200lbs that my daily weight loss was less than a pound per day.

At your weight you can probably be loosing 2+lbs per day at the start, even more if you dry fast. At that rate you definitely lose 100lbs in 60 days. As long as you do decent length fasts (2+ days) and don’t mess up your refeed by overeating than you’ll do fine.

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