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Lose weight first then start lifting weights?

Basically I am a female is 100lbs overweight. I am 260lbs. I want to get down to at least 150lbs but I am trying to avoid loose skin. I don’t know if I should hit the gym and eat healthy with lifting weights first (because I’ve seen time and time again people get lots of loose skin from that) or if I should fast first and lose all the weight, then hit the gym and work on my body. I know fasting does not guarantee zero loose skin but from what I’ve seen it sure does help a fuck ton! I don’t know which method to use, which one do you think is best to avoid loose skin?

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I would say focus on the fasting (diet) portion first. It really won’t make a difference with the skin either way. But - once you get down the diet part for a length of time (about three months) then start adding in extra activity. Weight loss is 90% diet - IMO more. I would suggest walking 45min-1H every day starting day 1. About 1mo. in start walking with some weight - backpack, free weight, etc. This will help mentally getting into the workout space in the future. Our habits create our routines. Start small and work your way up. Fasting will help with the extra skin workouts or no workouts. Especially dry fasts… BUT it’s not guaranteed and even if you lose it quickly and have skin - the skin portion will catch up eventually. Rarely completely.


I say do rolling 48s. Lift on days or after the day you eat a full day of normal days eating. As far as lifting I’d say lift but avoid squats for now. I used to be obese. My joints are paying for it now, from trying to do squats with my obese body weight back then (not obese anymore), in addition to barbell weight. For now I’d avoid Boyd weight stuff (calisthenics - body squats, box jumps, any plyometric or impact baring workouts). But you can do things like dumbbells curls or trice extensions, leg press and curls, pull downs/pull backs. Basically any lifts not body weight or body weight + barbell weight baring.

Personally I’d suggest avoiding the body weight/ be + barbell weight stuff until you’re within 10-15 lbs of your suggested BMI for your height. Just my opinion as a formerly obese guy with forever joint issues.

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