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Losing inches but not weight

I’ve been doing 16:8 or 18:6 for almost 3 weeks. My measurements are constantly changing, I feel amazing, but my weight is always around the same number. Is it normal? Am I doing something wrong?

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So glad you asked because I was about to. I’ve been doing 20:4 for 3 weeks now and working out 4 times a week. I’ve never been the athletic/gym type. I’ve been consistently 146.4lbs the entire time. So frustrating!


3 weeks is not that long, take the wins you have to date.

You are tracking the numbers and putting in the work. Thats fantastic. The effort is there.

Keep pushing and be proud of the momentum you are building. Think of this as an opportunity for you to continue to learn your body as you go through it. Keep gathering the data and make tweaks as they make sense.

Trial and error is okay on some of this, but the fact that you are working is the key. Consistency will win, just keep pushing.


Are you a woman, and if so, where are you at in your cycle? I’m almost 5 weeks in, and the first 2 I started gently with only 14/15 hour fasts. I dropped some water weight initially, then had a 2 week plateau the week before and during my period, even though I’d lengthened my fasts to 16 or 17 hrs. My weight started going down again as soon as bleeding stopped.


The burning of fat/toning of muscle process generally means that you won’t actually lose any weight until the muscle is as toned as the exercises are capable of toning them, but the fat is always burning off, meaning that until you get to the limits of your current exercises, you won’t actually be losing weight, you’ll definitely be getting healthier and healthier, though.


I’ll speak drone experience.I lost during the pandemic around 20 kilos (40 pounds).I regretfully gained back most of the weight lost. Notwithstanding I still feel leaner than before and clothing-wise I fit in smaller sizes. I believe intermittent fasting changes body mass percentages.

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