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Loss of appetite during IF (day 4). Is this normal?

I started IF on Monday, which I paired with a 1200cal limit. My BMR is 1249 and I don’t burn more than 1800cal a day during the week.

I tend to eat a bigger dinner because I have time to prep it but I notice that I’m just not hungry. Yesterday, I skipped dinner completely, being nauseated by thought of eating it. The day before, instead of eating my protein / veg / salad meal, I ate soup with garlic bread because it was all I could stomach.

Is this related to IF? Is there anything I can do to regulate my appetite or will this come as I go along?

I’m worried as my calorie intake was super low on Monday and yesterday, and that’s not my aim.

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This happens to me when I travel. Long flights, overpriced airport food, stress, new environment and I suddenly realize I haven’t eaten in 20 hours and am 0% hungry. I think it’s cool I’ll just eat tomorrow when I’ll be super hungry, next day realize I’m still not and just peck at thingsBy day 3 or 4 the smell of food makes me feel I’ll, except now I am hungry. It’s a struggle to get a sandwich down and I know I’ve been below my bmr for days. Eating more than a few bites and I feel full and sick.

Broth or super duper light soup usually gets me back into the flow of wanting to eat again.

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Categories: dinner tea stomach stress struggle sick