| | Water Fasting

Lost 2 lbs. this past (first) month. Not getting discouraged, slow and steady is my new mantra.

I’ve tried IF a few times before this time while weighing myself daily or weekly. I’ve always given up about a month or so in because I haven’t been able to lose even one measly pound a week even while counting calories. But recently I read a couple of books about fasting and one suggestion stuck with me, to measure and weigh when first starting, then forget about the scales for a month. I don’t know why it made such a difference but I have felt so much less pressure in a way? Anyway, I’ve had 20 successful fasting days out of the last 28 days (insomnia seems to be my downfall as far as breaking fasts). I’ve lost 2 lbs, a half inch off my waist and an inch off my hips. Normally “just” 2 lbs. would be enough to make me give up as would not fasting perfectly every single day but it feels different this time around. I’m going to continue weighing and measuring monthly, doing my best to meet the goal of fasting every day and looking at this like a healthy lifestyle change instead of a quick fix. Anyway, just wanted to share if there are any other turtles here who need encouragement. 🙂

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Yes, keep with it! I also only lost 2 lbs my first month. I was just kinda getting situated, made a couple mistakes along the way, and had a long weekend celebration where I wasn’t keeping up with it at all. Now that I’ve had 2+ additional weeks of real consistency, I’m down a total of 7lbs. You’ll have a breakthrough just keep chipping away at it! :)

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