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low carb calorie deficit 18:6 vs high carb calorie deficit 18:6

If I eat the same amount of calories for example 1200 calories, which would be better for losing weight faster. low carb calorie deficit 18:6 vs high carb calorie deficit 18:6? Would I lose the same amount of fat with low carb and high carb diet as long as I’m on a deficit?

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If your main goal is fat loss- even with IF, want to decrease carb intake & up protein intake! You will take longer if you keep eating a high carb diet regardless of IF. If you immediately eat carbs that will be stored away in your body and not burned off right away. This is just from my own experience, as I’m sure others would say different. 😊 good luck & either way IF is the key to a healthier life


Low-carb will strip your glycogen reserves and cause you to shed water weight. Low-carb will also, similarly to IF, keep your circulating insulin concentrations lower and your counterregulatory hormones elevated, thereby discouraging your body from storing fat and encouraging it to mobilize stored fat into the bloodstream.

Will low-carb increase your actual energy expenditure though – the rate at which all your cells combined transform available fuels into ATP and heat – and if so by how much? One study oftentimes cited here reports that for every 10% reduction in carbohydrate intake (replaced by fat, with protein content held constant), energy expenditure increases by ~50 kcal/day, but with significant variation depending on insulin secretion at baseline, i.e., participants genetically predisposed to secreting more insulin per unit of carbohydrate intake, or who are insulin-resistant, are likely to see greater benefit.

As always, over the long haul the more sustainable strategy tends to be the winning one.

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