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Low insulin levels


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Cutting carbs and lowering insulin levels can have some health benefits. You need not eliminate carbs entirely. You don’t even need to do low carb. Maybe read up and get a loose estimation on how many carbs you can intake daily for your weight/goal weight if losing and depending on what level of carbs you’re wanting. Low/med/higher. But regardless your best bet is when consuming carbs, ensure they’re decent sources.


The only time eatting carbs has negative effects is if you are with child. Also low carb high fat is not recommended for long term. You should take breaks.

Alot of people with go low carb for a few months… then will very slowly introduce them back… say 5g of carbs per week. This way they can monitor their body and see how many carbs their body can handle before things like brain fog, bloating and water retention come back.

There are people that can’t even eat 16g carbs and kick themselves out of ketosis. Then there are people who are fit or have extra weight that can eat 100+ grams and stay in ketosis.

The best way to loose weight is to learn your body.Tracking carbs is amazing, tracking carbs and macros is even better.

Blood tests ! You want your body working optional. See where your vitamins are at and supplement them.

Goodluck !

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