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Lunchables are going to be rolled out directly to students. Here’s what’s in them


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I’ve heard that the creator of Lunchables would not let his kids or grandkids eat them.

>“I wish that the nutritional profile of the thing could have been better, but I don’t view the entire project as anything but a positive contribution to people’s lives.” - Bob Drane, Inventor of Lunchables

Fascinating how a cigarette corporation evolved to serve lunches for kids.


My kids are grown thank goodness but I remember even in the 90s how horrible the meals were at school. I wish all parents were able to fight the system and send their own lunches with their kids even if it was just PB and J and an apple, so much better than a nasty lunchable or pizza every day and could save so much heartache with healthcare later on.


It is interesting that the journalist chose to focus on the high sodium content. I think the heavily processed nature and ingredient list would be a more concerning target. Processed meat (e.g. deli meat) is a known carcinogen that increases the risk of cancer.


Our society is disgraceful, in a Society where you have to fight to remain healthy fight to not contaminant your precious body with crap. In a society where the mainstream doesn’t truly offer your most beneficial tips, in a society where we have to stop following others standards, and take it upon ourselves to care for and truly bring our bodies into what it’s optimally wanting.


When did school lunches decline health-wise? Or were they ever “healthy”? I was in grade school (public) in the early 90s and the food we were served was absolutely not healthy. Just sad that 30 years later we’ve made no progress


Have your kids take their own lunch. If you’re accustomed to eating crap every day like this, you’ll grow up, be in horrible shape and possibly fighting multiple health issues and wondering what went wrong. Then unable to change to a real food diet because you don’t like the taste.


i think i’ve eaten somewhere around 15-20 lunchables in my entire life (mostly during childhood), and i never want to eat another one again. can’t imagine what it’d be like to be served a lunchable every single day of a school year. poor kids.


Sure, Lunchables aren’t healthy. I’m not going to deny that. Childhood obesity is a problem. Kids need to be raised on healthy diets.

But let’s not pretend that when presented with healthy options by the school, kids actually eat them. I’m a teacher. My school gives free lunch to every kid. I watch every single day as my middle schoolers eat the chicken nuggets off their tray and then toss the vegetables, fruit, and drink they are required to get.

Nutrition education begins at home, and without parents who can provide that, handing a kid a vegetable and calling it a day isn’t enough. I’d rather my poor students eat a Lunchable than eat nothing at all


I grew up in Canada which largely doesn’t have a school lunch program.

Kids bring their own lunches to school each day. It seems like we’re one of the only developed countries that do this.

But if you brought lunchables to school, you would always get a few kids come up to you asking to share a bit. The Muslim kids would always specify only crackers/cheese cause they couldn’t eat the meat.

It’s just kind of funny reading the responses on here, having grown up in a country where they’re seen as a cool treat.


Ok yeah, I was a nanny way back for several families over several years and yes, obviously very wealthy families with kids in private schools. And like those families’ home fridges and pantries, their kids’ private school menus saw very little (<20%) processed foods.

Yay for being on the glorious side of the socioeconomic gap….. /s .

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