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(M 17) Friend complemented my tits

So it was in 2020 I was 5’10 and heaviest 270 pounds. I went over to my friend’s house and they made fun of he and how I need a bra. I laughed about it but went home and cried in the mirror. I fasted for 3 days and ate on Saturday and Sunday. For the whole month of November I ate about 8 days. 5 days fasting. Two days eating. I went down to 240. December came along and I lost my discipline to Christmas binges. I am now at 230 and my ultimate goal is 170. I just don’t seem to be able to do it again. Like I end up going back. Anyone successful that I can talk to for some advice?

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You just need to find the fasting regiment that works best for you and give it time. Everyone wants results overnight but sometimes it’s slow and difficult 1-2 pounds a week is doable and if you lose more then it’s just a bonus.


Read about a “fat fast” on Diet Doctor. The plan is basically to eat all the eggs and bacon you can. You can add olives and avocado if you like those. For every meal. Do it for 2 weeks. You will be in pretty deep ketosis by the end of the two weeks and fasting will be much easier. Your appetite will naturally decrease. You could see if you can do Carnivore OMAD. Just eat steak at noon until 1. As much as you can and then fast until the next day. Same concept.


First: congratulations! I know you’re struggling but you’ve already accomplished something fantastic!


Others have said it - find the protocol that works for you. Experiment. You have an entire life to figure it out. Each fast is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and your body


What works might be extended fasts. Or not. Maybe smaller fasts. Or not. Maybe intermittent fasting. Or not. Maybe some wild combination that is a mishmash of a bunch of things that feel good for you. Pretty likely actually


For me:


That path has me settled into 3-5 keto OMAD days > \~5+ fast days > 3-5 keto OMAD days > 1-2 free feeding days > repeat


This works for me but took me a while to work out. It’ll probably change in the future, too. But for now it’s sustainable and works really, really well for me. This is the journey you need to go on now - find the strategy that’s going to mesh best with you and your needs/goals


Good luck my man!


Keto my friend. I was the same weight as you at the same age and took the same abuse. I did 6 months or so of keto and by 21 I was actually underweight. By 27 I was running marathons and lifting heavy weights. At 28 I had surgery to remove any remaining loose skin.

Understanding is the key to controlling your weight, and keto will help you understand that the problem isn’t your “willpower” to eat less calories. The problem is how what you eat makes you feel.

Fat / protein make you feel full, they make you leaner and help you build and retain muscle. Carbohydrates (and especially sugar) make you HUNGRY. And you will always lose that hunger battle. Losing weight doesn’t have to be some brutal 24/7 battle with hunger.

(P.S. Tell those kids / friends to Go f**k themselves next time it happens, you will not regret it when you are an adult)

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