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Maintaining 10% body fat long term. 6 meals a day VS. OMAD/fasting

I’m sure someone has made a topic similar to this and if so I would like to be pointed towards those topics. I’m new to Reddit so I don’t know how to navigate.

I know a lot of people just want to get lean enough to be healthy. However, I’m after aesthetics. I have a good amount of muscle and have gotten near 10% body fat before doing the conventional bodybuilder cut. The problem I face doing this kind of cut are mostly that I have lower energy and hormone imbalance that causes lack of sex drive amongst other things. So it is hard to stay 10% year round.

My questions are for those of you who fast and are leaner then the average people.

Are you able to maintain 8-12% body fat without experiencing the issues I mentioned ? If so, what are the fasting regiments to maintain 8-12% year round?

Is there a difference in hormonal regulation when fasting vs the calorific deficit multiple meals a day?

Edit. I have since watched a number of videos on Coles Channel and the biggest take away was eating frequency and spiking in insulin. It seems that is the major factor that comes in to play at maintaining a lean body without health issues.

Thank you to all that replied to this thread.

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After extensive research I also decided to cut the refined sugars and even some complex carbs. It seems that carbs are best when coming from vegetables rather than fruits since they are so high in sugar due to GMO


I stay really lean. I stick to a 4-6 hour fasting window or OMAD depending on how I feel and how much I ate previously. I am sugar free, and only eat foods with no added sugar in small amounts, i.e. peanut butter or some berries. Keeping my natural sugar totals to less than 24 grams a day is key. Doing these two things I stay absolutely shredded all the time. Having the window is important instead of just OMAD because sometimes you really need to eat more (actually most of the time when you are very low %). But my mental clarity and energy levels are through the roof. Ditching sugar was the final key to staying absolutely shredded for me. I’ve stayed shredded for over a year.


/u/No_Juicer , I have actually had a conversation with Cole Robinson on what you’re asking (staying shredded year round). He’s the creator of the Snake Diet, for the record.

Whenever he cuts to get to 8% body fat, he does OMAD with keto meals and he lifts in the gym daily, doing full body. He’s really advanced and plays with really heavy weights. At this point I do too and I have found that eating a single meal in the morning that’s a big pile of vegetables followed by a nice chunk of fatty meat does me quite well with energy, mental clarity and a complete lack of hunger. I typically eat after lifting, but you can do a small meal before lifting and doing the big one after, this being a total of a 2-3 hour eating window in the mornings, up until noon. You’ll get shredded this way guaranteed, and you can also use this to maintain.

Above works for me, but for your particular case, I would message Cole on Facebook and maybe give him a call. To do the call you need to give him a donation - he takes any amount. Get in touch with him and have a convo, he deals mostly with fat people, but he also has an extensive background as a trainer and he’s trained professional lifters, swimmers, gymnasts, etc.


This subreddit is mainly for obese people doing the nuclear option of weight loss. I lurk here for fun, but pretty much every aesthetically-minded person like yourself (think physique division at like an OCB/NPC bodybuilding level) gets to 10% and lower off of 4 meals a day with a pre and post workout meal. You’re going to need to retain muscle mass by hitting your heavy compound lifts still. You are going to either fail or die if you try to do that with zero glycogen in your reserves, which is what snakediet will do to you.

Head on over to r/bodybuilding for something more up your alley.


I encourage folks to start with OMAD but only breaking the fast in the morning. If you are not getting results, 48s, and so on until you are at the desired rate of fat loss. The closer you get to 10%, the shorter you should expect the fasts to be. Ideally, no longer than 72 but I prefer 48s. Once at lower end of body fat percentage range, i.e. 8% you mentioned, go back to OMAD to maintain. If at this point, you are looking to size up, increase calorie intake on OMAD until you hit 12% body fat. Rinse and repeat

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