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Meal Ideas - First Time IF

I am 36, m, 240 pounds and am at the start of my IF journey. I also have gout, high BP and high sugar levels so my doctor has told me I really need to get it right.

7 days in, and it’s going well. Historically I’ve done a regular diet a nutritionist gives you with the meals and snacks and never managed to stick to it. This feels a lot more natural and I’m attempting a “two meals a day” strategy where I only really eat a lunch at 12, and dinner at 6.30 and then fast from around 8pm - 12pm (I usually have a night cap (whiskey at 8pm))

Where I’m struggling is that I’m running out of ideas for delicious, satisfying, nutrient dense meals for lunch. It needs to be quick and easy as I’m often working but I’m a foodie and like variety and really good tasting food. It’s all to easy to fall back into my old habits of grabbing a sub or ordering some fast food.

Any ideas of what you regularly eat for lunch?

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Consider meal planning. EG: once a week, prepare lots of grilled chicken, roasted / steamed vegetables (I like sweet potatoes; broccoli; carrots; mushrooms; brussel sprouts and beets), hard boiled eggs, couscous (or whatever) and separate into containers that you refrigerate. Mix and match for lunch over salad greens or your prepared grain. Keep avocado, sliced nuts, fresh lemon, cilantro, parsley and hot sauce around to garnish your meal. Change it up every week.

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Categories: sugar nutrition snack lunch dinner struggling habits meal plan chicken steam boil