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Mental and physical benefits of fasting?

Can anyone who has done 3+ day fasts comment on this?

1. How much better do you feel mentally and physically from fasting?

2. Also, do you look healthier from fasting? (or younger)


Also, what would you attribute these benefits to?

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My longest fast was 6 days and about the fourth day was when I started to feel really good - more energy, felt lighter, inflammation just kind of evaporated, nagging little pains subsided, more clear headed. It was neat.


I was doing one three-day fast a week and I think the most interesting parts are the frames of mind it puts you in. Then having your first bite of food and feeling your soul reestablish itself in your body. Glucose is one hell of a drug.

I’m still overweight. 5’11” 195. Fasting shows me the problem and how sick I am, but unless a durable practice I see no lasting effects. I fell out of the routine.


My mind is definitely clearer while fasting. After a day or two my recall is definitely improved. I do great on my Anki when fasted.

Once on day four of a five day fast, my sense of smell kicked into high gear. I went outside for a quick walk around the property I was working at, and I could smell things like flowers and plants from quite a ways off. It was short lived though and only lasted a few hours.


I haven’t done a 3 day fast, but I have done 16/8 for a while. If you’re healthy I’m sure you can do a prolonged fast but I personally don’t want to as Its not necessary for me.

Fasting will clear your skin up, it will make you look younger. It will make you live longer.

Think about the energy required to digest your food 24/7. Im not a scientist but I’m pretty sure it frees up your other biological processes. Speeds up recovery.

If you’re healthy, or fat adapted you will have more energy during a fast. Some people have trouble sleeping. Carbs usually help with sleep so maybe that deficit is the culprit.

But yeah eating healthy and not irregularly is also recommended. You may feel a bit tired or antsy during a fast but it usually makes me feel better, eating less - But still eating.


I do regular 3-7 days 4-5 times a year, aka I fast until I feel like eating.

  1. you feel good, to each there own.

  2. you feel better, the first food also tastes amazing.
    If you’re looking to fasting for a quick fix: it’s not the fountain of youth.

the only reason you would do it would be “it feeling good” outside of the benefits it has on insulin sensitivity, autophagy and the caloric deficit not eating.


Autophagy! The human body has an amazing capacity to regulate and heal itself. I honestly prefer fasting to eating lol. You have to approach extended fasting softly; it can be dangerous to your health if done in an extreme way. And everyone is different; please listen to your body, and be able to differentiated between psychological hunger and physical.


This is my third time fasting.

I am on day 3.

Usually after day 3 I notice my thoughts are more clear and concise. My physical strength is about the same. Aches and pains are nearly gone. I believe due to the inflammation being lower.

I am 39, 265lbs normally and 6’6”. The occasional fast, usually once a year, helps me find balance and kind of rejuvenate my internal health. I am physically active, the my muscles get care but the fast helps clean out the parts of me I can’t exercise.


(4 day unintentional fast)If you are already underweight or borderline, you’ll look and feel terrible. That may sound logical but the way people have been talking about fasting it’s like it’s the solution to everyone’s health problems.

I had people come up to me to tell me how bad I looked. And I didn’t feel any better.


Well, because fasting reduces insulin resistance, it also imrproves glucose uptake into the brain after you break a fast and thus improves brain function. I also recently read that autophagy actually eats the proteins related to altheimers and dementia, which I can only assume we all have to a certain degree as we age. So there is also the possibility that will help cognitive function too.

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