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Mental Block

Anytime I start to drop enough weight to see/feel a difference, I hit a mental block (around the same weight each time). My gym routine stays the same and I still get stronger, but I start to eat more and fast less— it doesn’t feel like a diligence problem, but some kind of mindset problem. I can’t tell if I think I don’t deserve to be more fit, if I’ve subconsciously identified with my body even though I’m self conscious, or if I have some counterintuitive fear about the process. Sorry I don’t know how to better phrase it— I’m hoping someone here might relate and say it in a way that clicks for me. Open to any and all advice!

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We are hardwired to resist change for a bunch of reasons that a lot of insightful, intelligent people have written a lot of words about. Our brain’s job is to keep us safe. It sees “familiar” as “safe”. This is one of the reasons things like abuse, addiction etc. are inter generational. We swear we won’t make the same mistakes as our parents but there’s a very strong pull towards what’s familiar.

Ultimately you have to just suck it up and push through. Once you’re there you’ll see that whatever was holding you back was nothing to worry about, but you have to be there to see it. There are countless tools to help you do this but at the end of the day you have to do it. If there was an easy answer we’d all be exactly where we wanted to be and have exactly what we want.


Ah, the old “Good Enough” stumbling block.

Basically looking/feeling good enough to “reap the rewards you’ve ‘earned.’”

I already lost XX amount of weight. No use in rushing it. Losing weight too fast is unhealthy! How often are they in town? It’s a holiday, it’s important to celebrate with family. It’s my birthday! I just completed a really difficult work project. It’s important to celebrate victories. Live a little! I need a little pick me up. I’m really down. My spouse left me/cheated on me. My family member just passed away. A pet died.

Pick any excuse you want. Any one will do. No one is here to judge you on the path that you take. Coping with food is what normally gets us into this mess. Using food to cope will only dig a deeper hole.

But at the end of the day, that’s all they are. Excuses.

You’ll find your path one day. Perhaps that day is not today. Brush yourself off and try again tomorrow.


I feel your me !! By the beginning of last year I got 1kg away from the goal I set myself and then went into full self destruct mode , Doritos , fish & chip suppers , burgers you name it this idiot here ate it ! In sept I was 2 kg off my original highest weight and started fasting again. This time I have a plan ( apparently asking the 4 kids to move out with their delicious snacks was not a viable option 🤷‍♀️) So I’ve set 3 goals60kg - just hit 55kg - last times target 50kg - never been this weight and doubt I ever will be but this means the ‘diet can’t end and will have to become a lifestyle. Basically hoping to con my mind into not getting to self destruct 😂

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