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Mental health

I have very severe depression and anxiety. As well as severe hyperhidrosis I am desperate so I would literally do anything. Tried every diet etc but nothin worked. Can dryfasting heal this problems ?

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I feel like it really helps.But you can still fret and feel bad by thinking about bad things, but it is easiest to choose to move out of feeling badLess sleep is another.

The thing that really helped me is tackling the emotions directly, which you can do - but it takes work - but it does work, much is luck about figuring out how to spot and alter certain emotions - you can learn how to change them by observing them and trying different things over and over for a long time.

The major thing is to learn to switch off the ‘narratives’ (stories going around in your head that make you feel angry, unhappy, fearful etc.) and just quieten them out of your head temporarily, leaving the emotion behind, then learn how to deal with the emotion - different ones need different things and I dont remember how you do it all

You can create artificially feeling good, and feeling ‘loving’ and feeling excited for the future, but you cant fake it, your brain knows if its fake, so you experiemnt how to genuinely create the good feelings - and those protect you a lot from mental health pain too

I wrote about it to someone else just now so I just link that comment


Well, when you re-feed you will feel smashed, as your body puts you into a kind of ‘survival state’. which ends when you eat.
If its emotions you trying to control, really look at trying to make your emotions steady and calming during the fast -
I would suggest looking from scratch at your emotions and feelings and learning how to control them. Anxiety and depression can all be controlled mentally but you need to develop certain ‘circuitry’ which you do just by observing, analysing and trying things to change them.
Anxiety as I remember is actually really easy to subdue, and if I remember right you just ‘quieten out’ thoughts around it (the narratives), observe the anx feeling, and then you can just turn it down/off and it’s very easy to learn to do.
Depression is to do with ‘vimming’ the body up to feel genuine excitement at what you’re doing, which you do by just thinking of the thing you want to do next, then switching it off again, then thinking of going to do it again, then off again, etc. and noticing that each time you think of ‘e.g. going to the shops’ you get a different response from your brain, sometimes it doesn’t want to, sometimes it is excited, and it isn’t clear at first what causes it to have any particular reaction, but you can learn to control this.
That is controlling the negatives, then there is creating positives
The simplest of which is A) imagining how your body would feel if it ‘felt good’ B) making your body feel good. So the word ‘Good’ is the key and the idea of feeling it. You can simply try to feel Good, and then imagine what ‘feeling good’ would be like ‘IF’ you did. You need to try this a lot to make any difference and really perfect it
The sense of reward is another positive, and you don’t actually need to have any exact thing in mind, just imagining the perception of reward in a week or so can deliver really feel good feelings, but you can learn it by imagining e.g. becoming fit, or imagining being happy that you lost weight etc.
A ‘loving’ feeling, it doesn’t matter whether it is to you or to something else, is a very powerful one too - don’t make it about a person or pet and learn to just sidestep dumb feelings like “i dont deserve to be loved” or “x used to love me and now they don’t” - dont engage with feelings like this, just notice them and sidestep them
Also being awake 2 days is useful sometimes, as after 24hours, your body kills off negative emtoinons, so you can learn how it feels to be without them, and develop some healthy thinking styles


I also suffer from hyper hydrosis and i can tell you that dry fasting DOES HELP. Try going to a one drink a day routine for a week. I am not joking one like 44 oz drink per day and tell me you do not have gross pits most of the week.


speaking from personal experience, jogging combined with dry fasting & intentional nose breathing is very similar to mdma therapy. if you have access to the mdma clinical trials or other means i strongly recommended enrolling.

mdma is increasingly becoming popular among veterans battling ptsd and here’s and article for more in depth info.

just to be clear, clinical mdma is not the same as street molly! mdma article

jogging 5 times a week helped me in ways dry fasting couldn’t because the running opens your lungs and coupled with nose breathing you’ll have more oxygen providing bigger breaths of oxygen thus less anxiety and more positive mental head space


I would recommend starting a fruit diet , watermelon only diet (juicing ) do that for 14 days and see how you feel , if you are fine do that for another 40 days then dry a dry fast 1-2 days .

Don’t eat meat , dairy , . Stick to fruits only .

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