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Mental struggle stopping IF now that I can't do it anymore...

Hi everyone,

I don’t know if there will be people here who can relate or not but I don’t have anyone in my real life that can relate to this situation so I figured I’d vent here.

I (28/F/210ish lbs) am pregnant. Which I am so excited about, however, I am having a very hard time stopping IF. I was only able to make it down 30 lbs of my journey since starting ADF in June, and now I’ve gained ~7 lbs back and am slowly seeing the scale go up again.

IF is my tool to help keep me from binge eating and allow me to enjoy foods I love without having to place mental limits on food that then in turn cause me to binge on those foods. IF is also the only way I’ve been able to consistently lose weight.

I’m struggling seeing the # go back up after such great ADF progress that I’ve been so fucking proud of, and now I feel like my only tool I’ve ever been able to get consistently work for weightloss and food control is completely out of the question.

Where the fuck do I go from here =\

Edit: I want to make clear that I am not still doing IF. I know it’s unsafe to do as a pregnant person. Just having a lot of mental struggles surrounding the fact that I feel I’m going to go back to my old unhealthy self without IF.

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If you’re preggers, just eat. Fasting itself is a stressor and you don’t want to be stressing stuff out.

IF, ADF, the hokey pokey will all still be around after the pregnancy.

For this time in your life just eat what you need to.

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