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Microwave effects

Is there any truth behind microwaving destroying nutrients or is that completely made up?

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Different cooking methods (roasting, steaming. Microwave, boiling) do have different effects on nutreint content depending on the specific food item.

Here’s a video from a great professional!



Completely made up. Look into some actual science sources on this, not just random blogs. You’ll find that microwaving is a super simple way to cook, convenient and lots of research showing its one of the best ways to retain. Nutrients.


Every method of cooking destroys or leaches some nutrients from food. Mostly it’s water soluble nutrients being leached as water leaves the food, or heat sensitive nutrients being destroyed. No matter how you cook food it happens, which is why eating some raw fruits and vegetables is good for you. Microwaving isn’t uniquely damaging to nutrients, it’ll have the same effect as steaming. Just vary up your diet and cooking methods, avoid processed foods except for as an occasional treat, and you’ll be fine.


It doesn’t destroy nutrients any more than any other method of heating your food. The extent to the amount that nutrients are broken down has more to do with how long your food is being heated so sometimes microwaving your food destroys less nutrients than other methods. Also, when you boil foods sometimes the nutrients (and flavor) leaches out into the water (that’s why when I have to drain my cooking liquid, I do it with great sadness).

I’m sure that reheating food that has already been cooked breaks down some extra nutrients but I don’t think that it should be a cause for concern.

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