| | Water Fasting


Omg I’m not sure if anyone will be excited but I tried on everything in my cupboard and it fits (a couple of things still need a couple of kgs to be comfortable). I honestly have been living out of the same 5 outfits for a year. I’m so excited!

What milestone did you achieve this week/ month?

P.s I don’t weigh myself often, I just by how clothes fit.

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Oh my gosh. Yes!!! I’m in the same boat as you. With the weight gain I haven’t bought new clothes, beeeeeeen trying to lose weight. And finally I found something that works,so I can go back to wearing my old clothes again

I also haven’t weighed myself in over a week. So I can’t ascertain the exact numbers. But today I felt my hip bone, so I’m excited for more to come. But congratulations!! Let’s go and drop some more.


of course we are ! That’s so cool, congratulations on this milestone! Every post people do here helps others.

I restarted because i fell off and i think ive felt worse for it. However I’m excited to start again and move forward.

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