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Mind not clear in the morning at the end of my fast

I’m new to IF. Doing 16-8 (7:30pm-11:30am). Noticed on a work call this morning that I was struggling to find my words. Does this eventually go away, and can you eventually find mental clarity even at the end of a fast?

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Yes! It goes away. I feel like once I got through the first week or 2, I feel great. I have now made IF a daily part of my lifestyle. Make sure during your eating window you are getting sufficient protein, fat, and calories. Those 3 things are super important. I aim for 125g of protein and 1980 calories. I eat that during my eating window. You may need more depending on your height, weight, health goals.


I if see to get obsessed with my eating time coming when doing longer fasts, but now that I’ve been doing IF for nearly two years now I find that at the end of longer fasts I feel mentally very aware, not hungry and ready to continue fasting for longer.

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Categories: morning struggling a fast eating window calories